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Recent content by SAFIR

  1. SAFIR

    Iran to send second living creature into space soon

    You didn't get the point... nevermind
  2. SAFIR

    Iran to send second living creature into space soon

    the same as apollo missions?
  3. SAFIR

    Documentary on Emam Khomeini

    Lie ! no comment
  4. SAFIR

    Save me from thanks by fake banned IDs

    that's it ! :lol:
  5. SAFIR

    Indian Space Capabilities

    Great stuffs :cheers:
  6. SAFIR

    Iran to send second living creature into space soon

    Gen. Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam
  7. SAFIR

    Russia confirms sale of advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Iran

    My name is Kamran, and this is my first account on PDF.
  8. SAFIR

    Russia confirms sale of advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Iran

    they are already nervous :coffee:
  9. SAFIR

    Russia confirms sale of advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Iran

    thanks god ! what now !? :coffee:
  10. SAFIR

    India to Test “China Killer” Agni-V ICBM

    calm down bahai ! :coffee:
  11. SAFIR

    India to Test “China Killer” Agni-V ICBM

    'China Killer' :coffee:
  12. SAFIR

    Iran to send second living creature into space soon

    ^^^ And higher impulse :)
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