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Recent content by Romeoo

  1. Romeoo

    Pakistan a ‘strategic enemy’ of Afghanistan: Muslimyar

    Indian lapdods aka northren alianc barking keep on dreeming we pushtoons of KPK love mother land pakistannn so still not that leat bring it on we will crush ur bonsz .
  2. Romeoo

    Saudi Religious Affairs Minister on his way to Islamabad

    Oh bro hit him in his hines befor trolling indians should think about there black *** first.
  3. Romeoo

    Greater game - Traping Pakistan

    codent agree more brother.
  4. Romeoo

    Saudi Religious Affairs Minister on his way to Islamabad

    Whay all pakistani Shieet not loyal to PAk tell me are you living in Iran or pakistan be a pakistani for once. N No totaly wrong Iran and India is medling in balochistan Iranian minister a few month back openly said that thay targeted and kill peoples in side pak border.
  5. Romeoo

    US-Iran playing Great Game of Fire

    100 percent true could not agree more.
  6. Romeoo

    UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

    India is indeed our sole enemy we will have our wengensis .
  7. Romeoo

    UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

    Jews are fare batter humans than them religon wis jews are bad but thay are fare better humansbens than them.
  8. Romeoo

    UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

    ummah my efing *** thay dont even cosider us humans this new genaration of arabs are not even humans .
  9. Romeoo

    UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

    UAE have death wish tho this tyne country have big mouth. We just need a leader with steel bols to ask them whay thay are suporting baloch terrorest groups and destabalising pakistan and if we put a few navil ships on gawader port and stop uae and kuwaities oil tanker and dont let them sel oil...
  10. Romeoo

    UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

    Oh brother not one thay owe us so many apologies dont have the time to count all of them but kuwait and uae dose owe use apologeis.
  11. Romeoo

    UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

    Hi every one i am in kuwait a gcc country mejorty of xpats in kuwait is indians kuwait have put a ban on visas for pakistanis for the last 7 or 8 years even thay are not alowing pakistanis to get a family visa about the same time and on the other hand thay havent stop esuing visas for one singal...
  12. Romeoo

    Russian Fighter Jet Disables US Missle Destroyer Using Electronic Warfare Weapon

    Good job USSR we need you more visible
  13. Romeoo

    Pakistan Didn't Pay a Penny for South Asia University; India Stops Midway

    yes right do you think everybody on PDF dumb you laying troll.
  14. Romeoo

    Pakistan Didn't Pay a Penny for South Asia University; India Stops Midway

    You want us to believe or trust india India is not trust worthy we can look at the past and no no cant trust them sorry.???/ who who the hell makes India the chaudhry go eat some wada paw ***???hole
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