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Recent content by Ravager

  1. Ravager

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    There is nothing that would stop international community from scrutinizing our procurement from foreign sources what have been said/written could be always easily seen in the SIPRI and what not sources . The only thing that could be held close to our chest was the thing produced by our self ...
  2. Ravager

    Protests flare in Papua as students demand independence referendum

    So ?? Thousand upon thousand of papuans were get scholarship by the central gov in the western hemisphere since the 80's without much benefit to their own region at all . They prefer to work in central area and left their county regardless the added benefits and salaries which is amount to...
  3. Ravager

    Protests flare in Papua as students demand independence referendum

    That's it ?? No employment for the papuan natives in the mainland ??? Wow .... All those hot empty talk about compassion and morality gestures were the usual bullshits routine operating procedures to get a social point scores i guess ... Keep it coming bruh be more productive on the campaign...
  4. Ravager

    Protests flare in Papua as students demand independence referendum

    And who are you to judge about my character ??? A retard spent their time based on their social point score ?? What a perfect example you are presenting us here ... 👏👏 And regarding papua ?? By the current trajection alone their so called christiant would become a minority by 2030 . So what the...
  5. Ravager

    Protests flare in Papua as students demand independence referendum

    By the current rate of inter migration cause by the economic reason alone the non natives were allready outgrew the natives residents by 2022 . Why do you think the OPM was so desperate to make a sound ?? Alll those noise were only happen in the mountainous area while the coastal were all the...
  6. Ravager

    Protests flare in Papua as students demand independence referendum

    Compared to what the Freeport have been giving us in taxes the papuan are spending 4 times the amount in the Otsus budgets alone and it's all was allocated for their infrastructure betterment too ... But , i guess a retard like you are too lazy to googling about some development and progress...
  7. Ravager

    Protests flare in Papua as students demand independence referendum

    He doesn't want to accept that facts ..... As usual . Are you trying to describes your self ??? Don't bother please ..... Everybody allready knows it . :drag:
  8. Ravager

    West Papua 'becoming a hunting ground' as Indonesian forces open fire on student protesters

    So much page without substance at all ... Yet , it's indonesia bashing time i presummed .... What a retarded articles and the one posted doesn't even have a clue what was happening at all . Cheerleading squad were always plenty abundance if you have 20 % plus of unemployment rate that caused...
  9. Ravager

    Protests flare in Papua as students demand independence referendum

    Nothing ever remain and eternal . And changes are part of the progress . And unlike somebody we never sweep thing under the rug and pretend to be paragon of justice from all the civilization combines . All those external fanning and soft persuasion were allready been watched and monitored ...
  10. Ravager

    Protests flare in Papua as students demand independence referendum

    Go ahead and posted .... we indonesian doesn't care !! And there is a lot of videos and pictures of xianjiang atrocities circulating in the internet too wether they were genuine or not it doesn't matter in this narration and themes . Hell , if i would be bothering my self in this fruitless...
  11. Ravager

    Protests flare in Papua as students demand independence referendum

    You think US and Ozz were the only one concerned ?? Boy oh boy .... Such a naivety Yeah , you wish.... 😀😀 If it wasn't out of habibie's kindness and public loathing for such endeavour timor leste was never set free !! Why ?? Because even the UN security doesn't even asking or question such...
  12. Ravager

    West Papua 'becoming a hunting ground' as Indonesian forces open fire on student protesters

    You shouldn't so quickly to point on something in this anynomity ages . Who knows ... Maybe he was she afterall
  13. Ravager

    Protests flare in Papua as students demand independence referendum

    Oh , you guess ?? Every nation has their own interest and aspiration . Compare the hasle on what would be wrought to the australian if papua ever in flames the chinese would be more interested to keep flaming the embers for their own interest ... Nobody was saint in international politic
  14. Ravager

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Most of his shady bussiness dealing were started when he is stated to join Gerindra . Before then most of it were only peanut case but shady nevertheless . I don't know what tricks or stunt of his pulling but prabowo was adamant for him to be appointed as a fisheries minister to replace Susi as...
  15. Ravager

    West Papua 'becoming a hunting ground' as Indonesian forces open fire on student protesters

    Well , compared to some countries that are doing a systematic and comprehensive progrom to their own so called " citizens " . We are simply benevolence by comparison .
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