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Recent content by rajvoSa

  1. rajvoSa

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    they are not islamist. They indeed use islamic cover in terms of law and shit, to give the faulse pretense and to dissarm islamist parties of their criticism towards them. Theys fear islamist parties, which essentally are muslim consevative party equavalence to eruropen ones. What was the name...
  2. rajvoSa

    Turkish Economy - News & Updates

    Turkish investments in Senegal to enhance ties with Africa https://www.dailysabah.com/business/2020/01/28/turkish-investments-in-senegal-to-enhance-ties-with-africa Yes. Africa so much potential and many ppl of these countries and their goverments are fed up with their former colonial masters...
  3. rajvoSa

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Turkish ships are howering in those water for months. ANd Isik is trusted source, I do not remeber one instance where he posted false infos. Its almost like the same foreign backers that are in bed with YPG and help shape their propaganda narrative are backing and helping Haftar in this...
  4. rajvoSa

    Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

    Even Tesla used and still is foregn supliers, battery packs for exmpl, was it LG? It took them how many years to devolope its own ecosystems and it still is not 100% in house by house. What they did was slovly devoloping its own techniologies or buying other smaller companies like Maxwell. TOGG...
  5. rajvoSa

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Another war crime by Haftar and his backers. And they paint Turkey as some vilianous actor. Since the Arab Spring, Turkey was on the right side of hostory in every crisis that followed.
  6. rajvoSa

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Hmmm Maybe I was wrong and TSK is indeed jamming the comms, maybe prelude for counter on Siirt. We'll see soon enough
  7. rajvoSa

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Syrian rebel AT operators may be the best in the bussnies for sure. No conventional army had such extensive and lonmg real life practice run then them.
  8. rajvoSa

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Idlib started pricing bread in Turkish Lira, as first step to udpoting it more broadly. IN SDF areas, too, its pritty common unonficially, in trade.
  9. rajvoSa

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    tell that to Venezuelans. Gov pays in local currency.
  10. rajvoSa

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Tigers are most effective regtime unit indeed. But much less then their myth. Suhail is Russian favorite and he and his men get the most of russian support in terms of armament, advisors and heaya RuAF CAS. Oh they care
  11. rajvoSa

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    this regime division took a lot of causlties on Latakia front for 6 months. Seems their necs assaigmnet started like the last one. Kabaneh does have differente gheography, easier for defenders, but still... they operated very poorly. Maybe regime is punishing them for Latakia fiasco by sending...
  12. rajvoSa

    Bosnian Defense Industry

  13. rajvoSa

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    probably mobile. Also it could have been Haftar cutting of internet and comms to the otuside world to cleanse the city of former goverment employes, members of anti Haftar parties, acitvists and other remaining civil opposition. They did the same in Benghazi.
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