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Recent content by Progressive Conservative

  1. P

    Secular Pakistan or Islamic state Pakistan?

    Its quite naive to believe that making Islam a secular state will somehow make minorities better treated. The rights of minorities are already protected in our current constitution. What is required is a better implementation of the relevant articles in the existing constitution. Changing the...
  2. P

    Secular Pakistan or Islamic state Pakistan?

    People in favor of a secular Pakistan need to acquaint themselves with our constitution.
  3. P

    Feudal Terrorism: Who Will Stand Up Against Shahzaib's Murderes ?

    The only people powerful enough to stand up against the Feudal lords are the government.... Which is headed by the PPP.... Which is a party of feudal lords :blink:
  4. P


    The video was very interesting but equally misleading. The reporter assumes Karachi is only made up of Lyari, Orangi and Korangi.
  5. P

    Poll: Who Was Asia's Person of the Year in 2012? IK leading by 89% of votes

    It will be interesting to know the demographics of the people voting in this poll.
  6. P

    Abbas: Israel can have the West Bank

    Abbas shouldn't stop now. He should go on to get membership in the International Criminal Court and bring Israel to the Hague.
  7. P

    Flaws in British Defence Planning

    I should elaborate a bit on my viewpoint. Do I believe that the SDSR was necessary to cut costs and try and reduce the deficit? Yes. Do I believe that the SDSR was carried out effectively? Hell no. I don't like the SDSR any more than you do as it was ill thought and irrational. I actually pretty...
  8. P

    Flaws in British Defence Planning

    The new changes represent a change in mindset. No longer is Britain the lone crusader but it is now a nation that protects its interests with increased reliance on others. After the Strategic Defence and Security Review took effect, the RUSI think tank gave a chilling summary that Britain would...
  9. P

    New ISPR website

    Very slick and professional looking ;)
  10. P

    Iraqi Uprising 2013

    The intricate details of Mohammed Ali Jinnah's funeral are a trivial matter. So I shall state again: I couldn't care less about what happened during his funeral as I like to read into and study, like most sane people, his policies and philosophy during his life, which by the way talked about...
  11. P

    A full month since the last rocket or mortar from Gaza

    Two points: i) Only Israel regards Jerusalem as its capital. The international community does not regard Jerusalem as its capital. ii) The blast in Tel Aviv happened at around 1000 (GMT) on the 21 November while the ceasefire talks were happening. The ceasefire came into effect at 1900...
  12. P

    PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

    Marches like this happen time after time and receive much hype yet nothing is ever achieved. The fact that even then people believe something will actually happen as a result of a lovely winter walk by some members of the MQM and Tahir-ul-Qadri is quite extraordinary.
  13. P

    Opinion Poll: Yes To Democracy, No To Dynasty.

    The trouble is that only the educated middle class holds these views. The poor and uneducated power base of the PPP are now so blindly attached to the Bhutto dynasty, there is no hope of getting this current generation to change their ways. If real education could begin now, then in maybe a...
  14. P

    Iraqi Uprising 2013

    Honestly I really couldn't care less as I prefer to read about what happened during his life and not his funeral.
  15. P

    Iraqi Uprising 2013

    Yes, I am new to the forum but not new to current affairs and history so I believe I am in an adequate position to "draw conclusions". Now if I may give you an example of Shia/Sunni unity. The people that were instrumental in the creation of Pakistan were both Shia and Sunni but that they did...
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