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  1. P

    Higher education spending cut by 73 per cent - Pakistan

    3 IITs and 2 IIMS figure do u want links?
  2. P

    Higher education spending cut by 73 per cent - Pakistan

    first Pak do not have any education instution in top 100 colleges or universities. on top of that these cuts :victory:
  3. P

    Pakistan paid 6 million dollars to Taliban for ceasefire

    yes we are looking at Taliban rented our neighbor house. Twist is neighbor paid 6 million $ :cheers:
  4. P

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    we are not concern with what law is where. What we are concern in terrorist finding sanctuary in Pak. if next attact in world is traced back to Swat or FATA then what Pak is going to do? say Swat is not in our control so can not help? US rightfully fear this that some next attack is been...
  5. P

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    Let him first take care of swat
  6. P

    India is a reckless state actor

    nukes safety ohh not again to discuss. no state questioned safety of nukes in India. it is other way in pak. where top scientist is self confessed violator of proliferation. he is most disrespectful scientist on earth :cheers:.
  7. P

    The break-up of Pakistan bodes well for India

    I was refering to same people with "land lords" bussiness men and industrilists. I did not see any instance where person who lived less than 2$ per day became head of state or nation.
  8. P

    who is the real threat for pak-taliban or india

    Arabs know India relations with Israel and its trade in defece cooperation. They never mind as India has good relation with Arabs. They are numerous occupation where India PM went to Isreal and them to Iran. there is nothing to expose. seems this does not excite u :cheers:
  9. P

    who is the real threat for pak-taliban or india

    Your first point is with Kashmir.Evey one knows LeT weeken kishmir issue on world map and Pakistan supports these LeT, Just Last month when LeT attacked army and army did cross firing they crossed border for save sanctuary in ***. Second point is wtih modi and bal Thackeray. Look you can...
  10. P

    India - An ‘artificial state’

    Is it not "Islamic Republic of Pakistan". If it is not governed by Shariah laws it some parts are. what breeds these fanatics with gun who run across country and leaves army no choose but for deal with them:yahoo:? Is it not Islamic fundamentalism what is rampant in Pak?
  11. P

    India - An ‘artificial state’

    First no comparison with India and Pak. There social and political stature is different. India is secular and Pak is Islamic. and country that is not secular is open invitation to fundamentalist. I am suprised with Taliban in Pak or orthodox jews in Isrial. Religions are different but all...
  12. P

    The break-up of Pakistan bodes well for India

    yes India has communal riots but if it is not contained elected government will be ousted out. remember BJP never came to power after 1994 ritos in UP. so summary is India has democracy to punish and as hope they will be punished. So this lessen chances of insurgency. all insurgencies in India...
  13. P

    who is the real threat for pak-taliban or india

    Why are ousted out by west now? How come once freedom fighters now became terrorists? Pak simply do what west says and creates mess this west policy in this region. Pak is apparatus of west to pursue its devils dance in this region This obvious with what happened to afghan in these 30 years. It...
  14. P

    who is the real threat for pak-taliban or india

    First Taliban was CIA creation with help of Pak army and ISI. Pak need to contain what it has create and promised it with "sharia state". They have given up Afghanistan and there are fighting back home to make it one of there sharia state. What wrong in giving what is been promised? May be...
  15. P

    India - An ‘artificial state’

    wake up to check where civil war is happening.
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