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  1. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    suffering high causalities and continuing to fight war indicates that army is stronger and more motivated. Those who fear from sacrificing their lives will never be motivated to fight war .That is reason it indicates that in direct conflict between russia and nato u.s and their allies will...
  2. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    those who failed to liberate afghanistan for 20 years from taliban having no airforce , missiles and nukes know that it is impossible to defeat russia in 2 months. Come out of illusions .
  3. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    this sheikh lacks proper knowledge and is misguided in many aspects
  4. P

    People should be prepared to come out in force if elections are not held on 14th May on Schedule

    people will never come in majority to support such type of filthy political leadership
  5. P

    Ukraine to receive Pakistan-made Anza Mark-II MANPADS

    No benefit for ukraine if they get these weapons . West has provided much advanced air defense weapons but they failed against russia .It seems to be fake news and their is no logic behind it
  6. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    russia is clearly winning in ukraine. Victory in ukraine will lead to russian invasion in poland, romania and other small european countries which have much less capable militaries as compared to ukraine. Europe has dark future and will face destruction and wars in coming years
  7. P

    Former Army chief called Shabbar Zaidi to protest on real estate tax

    shabar zaidi was involved in helping big corporation to do tax theft and is traitor who was calling for dividing Pakistan in to small parts. Why he remained silent at that time
  8. P

    Tribute to Shaheed Zille Shah

    those who are using these killed workers for their political benefit are actually behind killing of these individuals. Whenever murder happens always look for its beneficiaries in order to find a murderer
  9. P

    Bruce Riedel: Military Aid is bribe to Pakistan Army

    In today world none of country is totally independent, Western countries are also controlled by zionists bankers and capitalists and citizens in these countries cannot go beyond a certain limit. Similar is case with rest of world. Establishment and politicians come from public. Majority of our...
  10. P

    Bruce Riedel: Military Aid is bribe to Pakistan Army

    50 lakh people were killed during independence in 1947 and we fought multiple wars with india for protecting independence but blind and deaf are incapable of recognizing sacrifices of our ancestors
  11. P

    Bruce Riedel: Military Aid is bribe to Pakistan Army

    They are fooled by our military many times. In past general zia used their money given for war against ussr for building nuclear weapons but here many naive members having no understanding of world affairs are criticizing army but ignoring foreign funding given to political parties from hostile...
  12. P

    Su-35s vs. F-16s: Could Western Fighter Jets Help Ukraine Win Its Skies? | WSJ

    they are already proven incapable but ik is no different than these traditional political leaders.
  13. P

    Elections in NA-193, Jampur

    I am seeing martial law in Pakistan in next few months. It is necessary to control situation as no political party is capable of controlling economic and social collapse which is becoming worst with every passing day.
  14. P

    Su-35s vs. F-16s: Could Western Fighter Jets Help Ukraine Win Its Skies? | WSJ

    In Pakistan establishment has major influence on foreign policy. It not matters which political govt is present. Pakistan had not participated in recent voting in u.n against russia which indicates this time Pakistan has refused to support west against russia. This is reality but here many are...
  15. P

    Elon Musk’s Starlink Wants To Operate In Pakistan But PTA has already Come Up With a Number of Concerns

    we are facing shortage of dollars already and cannot afford to pay for such expensive service. This technology is not meant for poor third world country at the verge of default.
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