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Recent content by P.kid

  1. P.kid

    PM Erdogan: Islamophobia should be a crime against humanity

    Allah in Arabic is like me saying God in English mate. The line there which you have stated basically unifies the concept of one Creator. :coffee: (Y)
  2. P.kid

    Pakistan: Age is no barrier to learning

    Ask the Ahmadi school who expelled her? Stop hiding the dirt and face the facts you pleb
  3. P.kid

    Pakistan: Age is no barrier to learning

    Wasnt she the one who went to and Ahmadi school and got expelled for not attending the classes? Your own people didn't care about her, only after she got the grades you slap the tag shes Ahamdi and boast about her. :coffee:
  4. P.kid

    Karachi PTI Jalsa - Live debate and streaming!

    And whose fault is that? :blah: IK all the way :pakistan:
  5. P.kid

    Pervez Musharraf concedes he has 'Indian blood', hence for peace with India

    Don't we(Pakistani) all have Indian roots? Before the partition our ancestors were Indian were they not :what:
  6. P.kid

    The End of the American Era

    Influence is diminishing yes, but they will be the sole super power for the next decade or so.
  7. P.kid

    More Propaganda: ISI behind 26/11, Indian embassy bombing

    It was and it is... They need to pass the parcel of there own failures onto Pakistan. Example of B$ propaganda; Apparently America knew where the talibs were coming from but they were unable to stop them? They could've shot them like shooting ducks as they crossed the border? :what:
  8. P.kid

    Iranian naval threat to US interests

    I can back you up on that; 'China, Turkey and Iran emerge as scientific giants'. I am quite intrigued with Iran's development in the field of science. I'll be keeping an eye out on Iran's developments in the future. :) Source: China, Turkey and Iran emerge as scientific giants (Wired UK)
  9. P.kid

    BBC 2 Programme INSIDE PAKISTAN 26TH October 2011

    The war was a resource conflict nothing more, to answer your question earlier.
  10. P.kid

    BBC 2 Programme INSIDE PAKISTAN 26TH October 2011

    LOOOOL. ^^ But seriously it's a real program. @Storm Force I'll watch it aswell. It seems like propaganda by the BBC the moment I read the line 'duping USA by...'
  11. P.kid

    indian man with 39 wives,94 kids

    How can he afford to help and support all his 39 children let alone his wives? He's just putting more strain on the society...
  12. P.kid

    Gaddafi is dead

    Selling weapons and getting cheaper oil are the only reasons I see for intervention. *Also his other projects such as Africa's own currency.
  13. P.kid

    Last Message from Colonel Mu’ummar Qaddafi

    The one mistake which cost him his life is his decision not to modernize the army of Libya. RIP.
  14. P.kid

    Kayani warns US

    -snip- -snip- -snip-
  15. P.kid

    India asks Pakistan, US to mend ties

    India should ask US to leave Pakistan alone. Big favor India can do for us right now! :cheers:
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