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Recent content by NiuBiDaRen

  1. N

    PM Modi to launch Atal Bridge All about iconic bridge on Sabarmati river

    Oh boy your true nature has been revealed! I certainly regretted calling you my friend.
  2. N

    PM Modi to launch Atal Bridge All about iconic bridge on Sabarmati river

    Oh just one isolated incident that everyone in China got angry about. I challenge you to show me more. In fact there were a few million Chinese who were angry who didn't die because of the central government's COVID response and improvement in building safety over the years. Whereas there are...
  3. N

    PM Modi to launch Atal Bridge All about iconic bridge on Sabarmati river

    Uhh whataboutism? Remember the Florida bridge collapse that killed a couple? Yeah it also happened a few years ago. I'm only looking at 2022 incidents and oh boy, India is a real concern right here. Just from June 2022 and later...
  4. N

    PM Modi to launch Atal Bridge All about iconic bridge on Sabarmati river

    How many hours before the bridge collapses after Modi visits it? 8-) https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/bengaluru/2022/jun/24/bengaluru-road-relaid-by-bbmp-for-modi-visit-collapses-soon-after-he-leaves-2469110.html...
  5. N

    China forgives debt for 17 African nations and will also provide food assistance to the struggling nations

    Just come back to me in 20 years time and review what will happen.
  6. N

    China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) | Power Plants

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