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Recent content by Morag

  1. M

    London Bridge attacker identified as Usman Khan

    well at least you tried... anway, I live in the UK and when these events are broken down they always turn out to be fraudulent.. don't know if you know but an election is about to take place and the tory govt here knows it can whip up extra votes by appealing to the far-right..
  2. M

    London Bridge attacker identified as Usman Khan

    you know you could edit your own headline.. or .. pop over to dawn.com and complain to them
  3. M

    Next Footsteps on Moon Will Be 'For All of America,' NASA Chief Says

    can you name one of those many spacecraft missions that proved Americans landed on the moon.. yeah thought not.. well why don't you point to the proof instead of pointlessly reposting an article, which if you were honest, you dont really understand..
  4. M

    Next Footsteps on Moon Will Be 'For All of America,' NASA Chief Says

    if you're going to start talking like a moron.. i can't help you
  5. M

    Next Footsteps on Moon Will Be 'For All of America,' NASA Chief Says

    Instead of LOL-ing, perhaps you should do better research.. the claims you're referring to were discredited at the time they were made.. as for the images, they're laughable as evidence of anything. No wonder you haven't linked to them.
  6. M

    Next Footsteps on Moon Will Be 'For All of America,' NASA Chief Says

    cool... for a moment there i thought we were gonna get another doze of yankie doodle fakery
  7. M

    Next Footsteps on Moon Will Be 'For All of America,' NASA Chief Says

    why 2024?? have they forgotten how to get there?
  8. M

    How to counter indian S-400 after this Kashmir issue

    i havent said a single thing that promotes or defends the S400 btw your last sentence is incomplete.. you were probably distracted with all that Lolling..
  9. M

    How to counter indian S-400 after this Kashmir issue

    you need to hold your own beer.. and the F35 is just an illusion
  10. M

    How to counter indian S-400 after this Kashmir issue

    google it... for crying out
  11. M

    How to counter indian S-400 after this Kashmir issue

    It's easier than you think. Syria's S-300 appears to send out well wishes to the Israelis when they come in for an attack. I suggest you wear a kippah when confronting the S-400..
  12. M

    U.S. threatens to withdraw troops from Germany

    'U.S. threatens to withdraw troops from Germany' As if the Germans are yearning for them to say. Anyway.. just who are they supposed to be protecting the Germans from??
  13. M


    ..are you even Pakistani..?? you spend a lot of time blowing smoke up Israel's proverbial in a way that no Pakistani alive would.
  14. M

    Sajid Javid becomes Chancellor — here's what to expect

    no need to get hysterical... it was just a suggestion, and like I said if you don't feel like it then forget it.. Just stick to worshipping Israel.. like it's gonna do you any good
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