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Recent content by moodyjat

  1. M

    IAF to deomstrate gears up for Iorn First at Pokhran

    Hi all, Guys, what are you looking forward for? next Indo Pak war?? Believe me, we (Indians) will be shatter to half, if in case full flash war is commenced, and our neighbors will be no more :cry: Peace !
  2. M

    My son is not a terrorist: abu jindal's mother

    jindal, the next govt guest for 20 years in VVIP security and all ! :yahoo:
  3. M

    Typhoon, Rafale no match for China’s J-20

    Watz the catch ?:hitwall: J20 is still in conception as PAK-FA , both have induction time around 2017... We have a fair share of 200 of them as of Russia ... lets leave 5th gen on 2017, and let Rafael scramble the Indian skies :bounce:
  4. M

    India to deploy additional troops along Nepal, Bhutan borders

    Thanks for making my day ! :lol:
  5. M

    Remeber this Hero????

    sorry to bump ! but i just cant resist ! hats off sir !
  6. M

    CHINESE MEDIA:Agni-V(A5) shows India's intention to become Major Power

    Jokes apart, It will be my pleasure to receive you guys in chandigarh to attack our capital :rofl:
  7. M

    Agni V Discussions

    haters gonna hate ! cheers guys :victory:
  8. M

    Aksai Chin not disputed: China hardens position for showdown

    Dude, u need a chill pill ! We in India enjoy what we have, well hard to convince you what is freedom of speech ! And there is enough space to grow for both countries, Why compare ? Are you jealous of rising Indian power in world ?
  9. M

    Israeli missions in India, Georgia targeted

    Did you planned it ? how can be you so sure ?
  10. M

    Israeli missions in India, Georgia targeted

    waiting for next reply to blame Somalia too :rofl:
  11. M

    Israeli missions in India, Georgia targeted

    If they did that ( as u say ) , they did on Iran's soil, do watever they can to them in Israel , as already said here , India is not a playground for these fagots to create disturbance here ! targeting women and innocent people is all these cowards can do !
  12. M

    Israeli missions in India, Georgia targeted

    It is too early to blame anyone ! Good news is, that lady is out of danger now !
  13. M

    Narrowing PAF Gap V IAF by 2015

    i wonder y ppl like u alwayz look india as a threat ?? as far as i m concerned, india haven't attacked pakistan ever !!! though siachen was a exception.... i admit that ! every country hav right 2 protect its boundaries and people !! pak and india are no exceptions ...
  14. M

    PAF Air Refueling Capability

    congrats guys............. u hav did it !!!
  15. M

    Indian men's team wins gold at Archery World Cup

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