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Recent content by MickyMouse

  1. M

    How "Indigenous" is Dhruv/ALH?

    None of it was designed in Pakistan. The FC-1 was designed by China between 91 and 98, which was modified as per request by PAF. The input for redesign came from MIG The current JF-17s with PAF are 'lite' versions They will be upgraded by French or British/Italian avionics, status of this...
  2. M

    Billionaire Ambani Turns to China to Cut Costs

    Unfortunately (for you), I do not understand Chinese so I cannot quote you a media source which you will trust But even you know that China is blocking Indian IT industry from making major forays into their market. It services and media are our biggest export, manufacturing is yours. If you...
  3. M

    China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

    For doing what? writing letters? :lol: internet warriors
  4. M

    China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

    So what excuse do you have for PLA retreating from Sikkim in 1987? If you can beat us so easily, then what stopped you then? Indian political leadership and military underestimated China's capability in 1962. We were zero intelligence of what your military was doing in Askai Chin till the...
  5. M

    GSAT-5P launch fails, satellite vehicle explodes mid-air

    Today's test shows nothing. Failure is part and parcel of new things. But how would you know anything about this . . .
  6. M

    COLUMN: An IAF View Of The FGFA Partnership

    Nope, no delays. In 2006, Russia was still developing the PAK-FA The PAK-FA design was completed only in 2009, and we signed the deal in 2010. This news means two things (1) The Su-30MKI took 8 years, beginning from 90s. Today the budget is higher, capability is better, hence it make go quite...
  7. M

    India using terror as ‘a propaganda ploy,' alleges Pakistan

    What is wrong in an article warning people about a possible terrorist attack. Had such intelligence been available before the Mumbai attack may have been avoided. The 26/11 Mumbai Attacks have been traced to Let which is based in Pakistan. This has been proved, nothing said in the article is...
  8. M


    Nice dreams. They won't blatantly violate MTCR, if they could they would have done it long ago. FYI NK is closer to them then Pakistan, and they haven't given their tech to them have they. And Pakistan's economy needs another 20 years of constant growth to be able to operate nuclear...
  9. M


    This sale is really no big deal. 4 conventional submarines are not a game changer and an SSN armed with 220km conventional missile is also not one. The first of these submarines is easily over 1/2 a decade away, and when they come in PN will still have < 10, so no biggie for IN. As time goes...
  10. M


    Which would be a violation of the MTCR. Do you have any idea the stupendous effort needed to research, build and maintain a nuclear submarine . . . forget SSGNs and SSBNs. Pakistan does not have the ability to do this, your defence budget would have to be a high multiple of your current one to...
  11. M

    China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

    The Chinese members on this forum are not a reflection of the people in China or their thoughts. I doubt if all of them are really Chinese. Anyone who has been to China will tell you this Anyone reading this forum would think India and China are preparing for war . . . :lol: which is far far...
  12. M


    So how many regiments/batallions/divisions of PLA are fighting in Pakistan against the Balochis?:azn: Are they not a major security problem for you today? Your comment makes it sound like China - Pakistan is something like US - Japan.:lol:
  13. M

    Is Kashmir a part of India ?

    Either name of the textbook or your view is baseless and filled with lies. Its impossible that any Pakistani does not know about the partition. There are still plenty of people on both sides who were alive during those days. And yes there was a huge country called "Bharat" and some of your...
  14. M

    Is Kashmir a part of India ?

    Yup, they are so unconvinced that the unemployed need to be bribed to participate in protests. Actually till the terrorism started in Kashmir, it was a very peaceful place. Many old Indian movies have been shot there. The terrorism has driven away income of people living in the area. India...
  15. M

    India using terror as ‘a propaganda ploy,' alleges Pakistan

    yawn . . . who cares what your government thinks I think the Indian Government has already said point blank "Dismantle LeT and JuD, which have been declared as terrorist organizations by UN" Act first, then we can talk.
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