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Recent content by maqbool

  1. M

    Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

    India has a no first use policy which means that if employed, they stand the risk of losing their nuke ability to an opponent's first strike (opponent could be us, as in Pakistan or China.) That's why they need a fallback. We need to spend more money on educating our people in a way that opens...
  2. M

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    This has been taken from a BBC article that ran a couple of years ago. Link is here: BBC NEWS Seems like Option 5 in which both India and Pakistan give up Kashmir, keep some (Gilgit, Baltistan for Pakistan, Jammu and Ladakh for India) and the pure Kashmiris get what they want (they better...
  3. M

    Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

    Supporting the Taliban against the Baloch's is like cutting your nose to spite your face. The enemy of the enemy is not always your friend. We are destined to make the same stupid mistakes made by our Hindu friends when they supported Bhindranwale and the LTTE and that cost them two Prime...
  4. M

    ISI aiding taliban or maintaining contacts?

    Obama is a politician (no snide remark there.) During election season, he did say he would go into Pakistan and there would be no more Mr. Nice Guy. Now ofcourse since he's running the show, ground realities have shown him that it's easier to say that in an airconditioned debate. When you...
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