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Recent content by mano99

  1. mano99

    Kashmiri students in India cricket row face sedition charges

    Surprise...........the man who expelled the drunken kashmiri youths was also a Muslim... Vice-chancellor Dr Manzoor Ahmad.!!
  2. mano99

    Military blocking Pak-India trade deal: Shahbaz

    china is dumping its cheap goods in pakistan and pakistanis are so happy about it............Pakistan and China signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in November 2006, after which Chinese products flooded the local markets. While Pakistan imports about 1,000 items from its neighbour to the north...
  3. mano99

    Russia warns Saudi against giving Syria rebels missiles

    china and russia are looking for a good excuse to enter the oil rich arab region..........next war will be for resources...in one day the whole of arab area can be invaded and divided by china and russia...............America will just look the otherway if they are also promised a part of the...
  4. mano99

    Navy Chief quits over spate of submarine mishaps

    Sabotage by our friends across the border or the role of submarine weapon dealers cannot be ruled out..........welcome to the italian mafia world.
  5. mano99

    Saudi ‘seeking Pakistan arms for Syrian rebels’

    Russians,china and the iranians concern will have to be tackled......
  6. mano99

    Islamic authority issues fatwa forbidding travel to Mars

    other fatwas Top 10 Bizarre or Ridiculous Fatwas - Listverse Top Ten Freaky Fatwas of 2011 | Al Bawaba
  7. mano99

    Indian medicines set off safety worries in US

    there are thousands of small pharma companies in india which make sub standard medicines. they mostly supply medicines to govt hospitals since they can always quote low rate and quality checking is managed by them......exported medicines are always by big companies and they always maintain high...
  8. mano99

    historic contacts between roman empire and indian subcontinent?

    "Periplus of the Erythraean Sea" a greek book written in the first century has detailed descriptions of many ports in kerala,south india including distances. According to it there was a temple dedicated to emperor Augustus and a roman garrison was also there to protect the greek warehouses of...
  9. mano99

    Penguin Books India pulps academic book on Hinduism because it offended Hindus

    people did not burn their homes,their town ,buildings,shops,parks and did not march to govt buildings and the police did not have to use shipping containers to stop their march over this book.
  10. mano99

    TTP finalises 15 point draft for talks

    As per the constitution of Pakistan sharia should be implemented......just accept their demands because the constituion asks you to do so. 227Provisions relating to the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. (1)All existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the...
  11. mano99

    ICC Board approves changes to governance, competition and financial models

    So Indian money will go to pakistan as test cricket fund...........not a great idea
  12. mano99

    I don’t like India

    I would like to ask all the Pakistani ‘friends’ of India to tell me one ‘good’ thing that India has ever done for Pakistan, just one. First nuclear bomb explosion by India.... 18 May 1974. First nuclear bomb explosion by Pakistan .... On May 28, 1998 Last time i checked pakistan is not a...
  13. mano99

    Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Marks Another Victory for Indian Americans

    just wait............he shall soon start to harass the indians working in microsoft to prove that he is more white than the real whites.
  14. mano99

    Indian army to upgrade infantry weapons (New Assault Rifle)

    what did you expect when you choose the italian waitress to lead you..............thank god that she has not sold the country in parts........
  15. mano99

    MFN status for India on the cards: Pakistan daily

    if granted MFN status it shall lead to more and more trade,more people to people contact and business people on either side will exert their influence with the politicians to normalize govt to govt relations . No wonder that the pak army,ISI and hafees said are dead against MFN status to India
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