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Recent content by Lith1um

  1. Lith1um

    Indian music sliding down popularity charts: survey

    Listen to this band called "CALL" or "Noori"....u'll see some good drumming in it
  2. Lith1um

    Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein executed

    Still cant believe everything happened so easily......
  3. Lith1um


    What kind of Ford is that? never seen it...its prolly just for the european market....
  4. Lith1um

    My interesting trip to the US

    hey..u didnt give me any credit...it was MY camera u took those pics with...heck i took some of those pics...
  5. Lith1um

    Indian music sliding down popularity charts: survey

    Aatish is doin pretty good for themselves.....their new song Sawera just plain rox...and other songs too.....good stuff..
  6. Lith1um


    Suv's rock...but i like sporty cars...the new dodge charger and the camero looks suuuweeeeet...
  7. Lith1um


    blacks are cool.....they've been thru it...we not only have niggers now...but wiggers too....(white ppl acting black)..and u'll see it all around ya these days.......the denim jeans and jacket is soo out of fashion now.....more n more ppl are turning to colorful clothes...like yellow and green...
  8. Lith1um


    this happened to me at Indiana State University... well yeah i dont generalise Americans as racists...i meet and interact with MANY of them in a day....i personally think blacks are better then whites..but i dont discriminate when talkin to any of em..there are positive and negative qualities...
  9. Lith1um


    from what i know, u dont need an appointment to see him.....semester was over...winter break was abt to start....there were no students in skool... anyways...i've moved to a different univ....screw them..
  10. Lith1um


    according to him....i didnt tell his secretary what i wanted to see him for...even though his secretary never asked me anything...just asked me to sit and wait..... so he's like... "u didnt want to tell my secretary what u wanted to see me for.....this is my office....you people cant act like...
  11. Lith1um


    How many of you people faced descrimination while staying abroad? What country was it in? some days back it was the first time for me. The dean of under grad programs at my university said "You people are in America...you cant act like this here" and blamed me for something that wasnt true...
  12. Lith1um

    Foreign universities to open campuses in Pak

    They could also have something like Knowledge Village in dubai....Univ's operating without govt intervention. Helps bring in good univ's...
  13. Lith1um

    Indian Military Women

    damn..these women got real tiny waiste line...
  14. Lith1um


    Man, my b'day was on the 8th aswell.. happy b'day to u though
  15. Lith1um

    troops being friendly in iraq :)

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