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Recent content by Ishant Sahu

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    Options for India

    Recently moodi called nawaz - ab movi plan to krege nahin
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    CIA failing to recruit minorities, says chief

    they are just good at "create fight"
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    A Top ISIS Leader Killed by US Drone Strike in Syria

    Muslims Countries and Drone Attack what a combo
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    Can Pakistan develop like India?

    India have a patriotic leaders meanwhile Pakistan have don't.
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    What do Pakistan, China and India admre the most about each other?

    For Pakistan They are too good in Hospitality , Have most beautiful people , They ruled Cricket in 90's China According to stats every other 5th person in world is Chinese.
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    FIFA Women World Cup

    support japan all the way after India -
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    Mohammad Aamir Returns

    meanwhile amir is injured and rested for next two weeks
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    India has very good spy satellites - China

    These words from China never heard before
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    Options for India

    Why India is thinking about how to handle Pakistan how to negotiate with them . when there are many political parties in Pakistan who continuously working as a anti Pakistan.
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    Could India's Military Really Crush Pakistan?

    Pakistan have a strong defense too & India have worlds second largest army - gonna b epic fight
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    When Israel vetoed a plot to kill Khomeini in Paris

    Israel is a biggest thread for all Muslim country
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    Russia has confirmed its decision to deliver S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran.

    Russia supporting Muslims countries very quickly and delivered their weapons in no time
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