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Recent content by im_aquarius86

  1. im_aquarius86

    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    wats the point? bangladesh is still east pakistan. wats pakistan , a seprate country found for muslims of india, so that they can live the way they want without the fear of hindu majority. that bangladesh is , a seprate muslim majority state.
  2. im_aquarius86

    Do you still support Musharraf?

    salim, im no fan of zia , i said ghazi zia in a scaristic way. yes economy is important no question about that but did india used military rule for its economic growth. yes our politicions are corrupt but do u sincerely think that ur politicians are angels, no pakistanis are as corrupt as any...
  3. im_aquarius86

    Do you still support Musharraf?

    well, he is not the first dictator in our history and i suppose he will not be the last. but the thing is we remember ayub's era for the two dams and a war we thought we won. "ghazi zia"'s era for jihade afghanistan and klishonkov. but wat is the thing we'll be remembering mush's era for...
  4. im_aquarius86

    ‘Israel planned to hit Kahuta from India’s Jamnagar base’

    its an old story, and as for the relations with israel, at that time israel was sending weapons to pakistan through americans (the ones he captured during labanon invasion from PLO fighters) for afghan jihad, so im failed to see the reason why israel would try such an advanture ...
  5. im_aquarius86

    Myths of Pakistani History-Dawn

    Pakistan is an idealogical state, it never existed in history before 1947, now for an idealogical state and specialy one that is based on religious idealogy(means making a nation on name of religon) it's important to teach your childerns history according to the view of idealogy. Israel is...
  6. im_aquarius86

    India to provide 900 million dollars in aid to Nigeria

    if pakistan is the only problem for india for IPI gasline, then i would say africa is a good choice because any oil or gas line from CIS will have to pass through pakistan, same is the case for middleeast, remember the plan of getting gas line from QATAR. im not an expert on this but i think a...
  7. im_aquarius86

    The Great Muslim Warriors

    you'r right titanium, in case of jalal uddin when he took the command of his army most of his empire was already captured or destroyed by ganghis khan's forces due to the drastic decision of spliting the khwarzim army to defend samarkand and other cities, taken by jalal uddin's father. even...
  8. im_aquarius86

    US offers Putin deal over missile shield

    nice article, if usa is that concerned about iranian capabilities to hit euorpe then it can work with russia in russian plan to form a defence system in azerbaijan. azerbaijan is the neighboring country of iran and its more feasible to form a ABM sheild there then in poland aur czech repulic...
  9. im_aquarius86

    The Great Muslim Warriors

    Yusuf bin tashfeen of morroco was a great general too, his victory against, alfanso of castalione and his crusade companions, made the muslim rule of spain to last for few hundred years.
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