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Recent content by HROBOS


    Hungary Puts Russian-Made Fighter Jets Up for Sale

    Do you want to - do not. Love - not love. All is decided by money and politics. 1. There is an unspoken gentlemen's agreement (between India and Russia). Russia is not supplying weapons to Pakistan instead of Russian weapons have priority in purchasing the Indian Army (which compensates for the...

    Russia seeks to sell stealth jets to Korea

    You know nothing about Russia. Your words confirm this. A dozen smiley faces do not change the situation. I could argue with you on each item. However, it is a waste of time. Let me explain why. Why do I attend this forum? I never trust one source or one side of the conflict (especially the...

    Russia seeks to sell stealth jets to Korea

    Wow, this is amazing, I have though about what you though long time ago but this time is really fantastic because it coming out from a Ruskie. So where is the North Korea? Where is the border lines between Korean peninsula with your great "viva" Russia? What would South Korea troops do when a...

    Russia enters S. Korean tender with 5th- generation fighter

    МиГ-1.44? :wave:

    Vietnam SU-30 locked by J-10, 10 times

    Please indicate. What is the peculiarity of my translation?

    Vietnam SU-30 locked by J-10, 10 times

    I have an indiscreet question. You're an American flag hung for decoration or just a fan of the U.S.? If you prefer to love China from afar, it's your problem. I have no desire to leave their homeland. Therefore, a perfect command of English is not a priority for me in life. If you do not...

    Vietnam SU-30 locked by J-10, 10 times

    The Chinese can do any number of self-congratulation. If this happens at the expense of Russia, so this concerns me. What is your problem and you do not like about this situation? I believe that all is fair. So breathe deeply, it is reassuring. :wave:

    Vietnam SU-30 locked by J-10, 10 times

    I watched yesterday (this discussion to get to other forums). You should not disappoint the Chinese comrades, the results of answers to your question (Pls advise me if it is real?). For those who understand what I wrote. :wave:

    New Russian Missile Penetrates Missile Defense

    I am also very glad. Now the U.S. is not necessary to construct this "screen". Agreed.
  10. HROBOS

    Russia seeks to sell stealth jets to Korea

    1. Korea already has the operating experience of Russian arms. 2. Who said anything about the total elimination of U.S. weapons? 3. As I said earlier. America have come and gone. Neighbors remain forever. The economic crisis in the U.S. or large-scale diversion of U.S. forces in the other...
  11. HROBOS

    Russia seeks to sell stealth jets to Korea

    1) In South Korea and Russia have a common enemy - Japan (territorial disputes). 2) In South Korea and Russia have a common neighbor restless - China. 3) Who will support the United States in the Event of Armed Conflict (Japan and South Korea)? 4) Russia will remain a neighbor always. United...
  12. HROBOS

    lun-class ekranoplan!

    Notice, I never claimed that I am an "expert" on this issue (unlike you). By missile and electronic systems. Because of this, and has inflamed our dispute. However, my hope to hear something interesting was not successful. I heard only a couple of common phrases and links to information from the...
  13. HROBOS

    lun-class ekranoplan!

    1. No one has the experience destroy targets at such a low altitude and in such extreme conditions. In this case you do not speak the truth, or rather, half-truths. 2. You can find cases of successful use of rockets (class air - air), low-flying targets. A) Such cases are rare (we do not...
  14. HROBOS

    lun-class ekranoplan!

    Surprise me with his knowledge. Maybe I want to laugh. If he can not. Borrow someone else's thoughts (on a dedicated forum, you have a great selection). Then (with a straight face) to extradite those thoughts were his own. This will be the best option (compared with idle chatter.)
  15. HROBOS

    lun-class ekranoplan!

    If you're dealing with missiles, you should know about anti-missile maneuvers (eg, "kolokol", "cobra"). Each system has a response time. Ekranoplan can perform similar maneuvers in the sense of (possibility of reducing the speed to 0). The sharp deceleration of the water (change of speed...
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