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Recent content by hoangsa_truongsa

  1. H

    Talking about one single riot like your cesspool of a country is doing better is laughable. The...

    Talking about one single riot like your cesspool of a country is doing better is laughable. The LA Riot in 1992 must mean United States was doing worse than Vietnam right? Did Agent Orange leak into your head? Heard of your gorvernment set up curfew in Guangdong today....
  2. H

    SCS now the West Philippine Sea

    The name of the sea should be " South Asia Sea"
  3. H

    You are from Japan ? Welcome ! And thanks for your interest in Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese...

    You are from Japan ? Welcome ! And thanks for your interest in Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese revolution songs . I will sent you more great Vietnamese songs if you like it :)
  4. H

    Vietnam plans live-fire drill

    I'm talking about the riot which happened in Guangzhou ,in your home town , do you know it ? And orther city and autonomous regions in China too . You talk about our problem , what about yours ? About the economy , ofcouse Vietnam is weaker then China . But Vietnam's still strong enough to...
  5. H

    Vietnam plans live-fire drill

    No , it's China who faces more serious domestic problem . Did you here about the riot in Qwang chou ? :cheesy: reroll: Greece control the island and sea because their people lived there for century . Did the same apply to China . I don't think so .
  6. H

    Vietnam plans live-fire drill

    That live ammunition drill is to respond to the cable cutting episode . China started it first , China is the one who does dirty tricks :lol:
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