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Recent content by hoangsa74

  1. hoangsa74

    More young Taiwanese seeking employment in SE Asia and India

  2. hoangsa74

    More young Taiwanese seeking employment in SE Asia and India

    in bold, please stop. china has a trade surplus of 1.2 TRILLION dollars with the world so you need to lay to rest the fantasy that china economy is driven by domestic force. china economy is totally dependent on export and its trade surplus no but or if or whatsoever about it. take away the...
  3. hoangsa74

    US August crude oil exports fell sharply China's imports cut to zero

    That is a myth. The American living standard has been poorer since the early 1990's due to American losing 20 million direct and indirect manufacturing jobs to China and virtually every manufacturing companies (which the exception of high tech manufacturers) have closed down. Cheaper Chinese...
  4. hoangsa74

    US August crude oil exports fell sharply China's imports cut to zero

    but according to Chinese logic, losing $400 billion of trade surplus with a big appetite customer like the U.S is different because they can find someone (like north korea) to replace the U.S market, right?
  5. hoangsa74

    US Navy proposing major show of force to warn China

    The U.S sail and fly up and down the SCS into the Paracels and Spratly with impunity; that's the difference between the U.S Navy and chinese navy. The U.S navy can bring an armada to the Chinese coast while the Chinese navy is not capable of doing so to the U.S. Like I have said, the Chinese...
  6. hoangsa74

    Russia’s formidable S-400 Triumf air defense missile system

    this s-400 obviously is not meant for Pakistan; S-400 for Pakistan is overkill. S-400 is geared more toward a country with an air force like china.
  7. hoangsa74

    China Once Looked Tough on Trade. Now Its Options Are Dwindling.

    Hey retard. The article was written by two chinese with nothing to back up other than words. If the u.s has a trade surplus like these journalists claim, why would the us sabotage this trade surplus? Think, moron
  8. hoangsa74

    China Once Looked Tough on Trade. Now Its Options Are Dwindling.

    where is your deutsche bank report, retard? If you don't have the data, your claim is just cheap talk like those journalist and the U.S will keep hitting you with tariff.
  9. hoangsa74

    Intel Tackles Voracious 14nm CPU Demand With New Vietnam Copy-Exactly Fab

  10. hoangsa74

    Vietnam favors Japan for the country first ever HRS

    of course the annual interest rate is zero because the Japanese jack up the principal by 10 times.
  11. hoangsa74

    China Once Looked Tough on Trade. Now Its Options Are Dwindling.

    Of course I don't expect a retard like you to back up your claim with anything. The only thing you have is a news article written by two journalist (one is a Chinese) claiming that the U.S have a trade surplus with china and the world LOL. Should I remind you that your leadership is wetting...
  12. hoangsa74

    MOFCOM: China to respond to tariffs with retaliatory measures on US goods

    How much? Not much considering the U.S have to give $400 billion of giving free cash to china every year just to appease ...McDonald. That's why the U.S won't give a fuking French about initiating this trade war while china has to go sue the U.S with the WTO. lol
  13. hoangsa74

    MOFCOM: China to respond to tariffs with retaliatory measures on US goods

    The u.s can tax on 500 billion of chinese goods while the chinese can only tax 150 billion of American goods. I'm ok with that
  14. hoangsa74

    China Once Looked Tough on Trade. Now Its Options Are Dwindling.

    In bold, obviously you have not even taken economics 101 YET. The multiplier effect is a BASIC knowledge for anyone who has taken an economics course. When you spend a dollar, that dollar become someone's income (do you even know this???), and so on...this is elementary economics...
  15. hoangsa74

    China Once Looked Tough on Trade. Now Its Options Are Dwindling.

    Obviously u have not taken any economics class. The riple effect of losing 400 billion of trade surplus means that your economy will lose 2 trillions if we take the multiplier effect of spending 80% and saving 20% for 1 dollar of trade surplus china earns. Welcome to the reality of losing 2...
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