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    Bangladesh protests Pakistan Parliament resolutions

    Bangladesh has lodged ‘a strong protest’ against the resolutions Pakistan’s National Assembly adopted on Monday, summoning its High Commissioner in Dhaka, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. Secretary (bilateral) Mustafa Kamal conveyed the government’s protest and handed the High...

    Open Debate | Do Bangladeshis regard India as a 'savior' ?

    Patriot and separation are conflictual words

    Open Debate | Do Bangladeshis regard India as a 'savior' ?

    Why is it 180 degree contradiction!!! Savior is not appropriate because they didn't do it as charity. Who will do such as charity! But we needed help, they helped that time

    Open Debate | Do Bangladeshis regard India as a 'savior' ?

    Savior is not the exact word to describe such a complex & complicated event. But I, whatever the present circumstances is, feel grateful to India for what they did for us in 1971. Personally I don't have any soft corner left for Pakistan(Doesn't matter how you describe 1971)

    Dhaka-Beijing meet on BCIM economic corridor tomorrow(13 October 2013)

    Officials from Beijing and Dhaka would meet Sunday (tomorrow) to discuss construction of a highway from Kunming in China to Kolkata through Myanmar, northeast India and Bangladesh to boost trade and investment in South and Southeast Asia, officials said Friday. A delegation of the Chinese...

    India, Bangladesh must protect secularism: Abdullah

    Isn't Bangladesh is already a secular country!!! You smell conspiracy in everything & it smells very funny. Get a life

    BNP to fight militancy

    ****! I don't have any ghilu. Would you explain me what he meant using your ghilu?

    BNP to fight militancy

    At least change your flag to talk like this. The flag you are using has been achieved by your so called anti patriots. If You have so much love left for Pakistan, please use Pakistani flag

    Bangladeshi Islamist leader Abdul Kader Mullah sentenced to death

    I wonder why Islamist word is used before the name of those criminal. Are they preaching Islam vandalizing cars in a Muslim majority Bangladesh??? Other party's vandalize cars but JAMAT vandalize cars saying "Allahu Akbar" Just nonsense They are doing(did) cheap things using the name of Islam
  10. HIMEL@BD

    Wagah-like show in Petrapole of BD

    To express happiness in in It is something like your wife delivered a child, but you are not the reason behind it.
  11. HIMEL@BD

    Wagah-like show in Petrapole of BD

    I am also waiting to see another brave fighting by BGB LIKE 2001 Indian
  12. HIMEL@BD

    Wagah-like show in Petrapole of BD

    Terrorist are terrorists. Never glorify terrorists
  13. HIMEL@BD

    Dhaka opens power corridor to New Delhi

    He is talking about the temporary transit given to India to transport heavy equipment for power plant in Tripura
  14. HIMEL@BD

    Dhaka opens power corridor to New Delhi

    It is not talking about that. It is talking about to allow new transmission line through Bangladesh to transfer power from Northeast states to West Bengal
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