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Recent content by Haryanajatt

  1. H


    Iraq beat Iran at war
  2. H

    A Mughal goes to Pakistan to renew blood ties

    If they're not desis then you're mongoloid people in the northeast, your dravidian tamils, and your australoid forest tribes aren't desi either. Also it has been genetically proven that many Scythian and Hun mixed people are in northern india, are they considered to be desi? Are Bhils and Gond...
  3. H

    A Mughal goes to Pakistan to renew blood ties

    Mugjals used treachery and also deceit to take lands, and also afghan assistance too, because Afghanistan was the first land under Mughal rule, also if the Jatts teamed up with Marathas in the 3rd panipat battle, they would have ended the Mughals, you shouldn't talk a lot since Persian Afghan...
  4. H

    Iran stands against spread of instability in Mideast: Defense minister

    What? I've never seen Pakistan woman with some short Arab loser, I have seen many Arab women in KSA with Pakistani males both Pashtun and Punjabi also.
  5. H

    Day 1 In Trump's America

    Alright millions of Afghan Iraqi and Palestinian are gone
  6. H


    If they were slaughtered for centuries why do 1 billion of them still exist? You fools, an Indian and Israel alliance equals the end for you sand people(Persian,Turk,Arab,Tajik, Afghan), the military tech of Israel with the numbers of India and their military tech equals the Middle East is now...
  7. H

    Day 1 In Trump's America

    Anymore involvement equals the Middle East is now glass which the world wouldn't mind
  8. H

    Day 1 In Trump's America

    Well Trump has a point, those sand people (Persian,Arab,Turk,Arghan,Tajik) are annoying and NATO needs to handle them now.
  9. H

    Japan inks nuclear agreement with India!

    Im laughing at the harems of Middle Eastern women those soldiers have
  10. H

    F-35s complete training ‘deployment’ for first time

    Why is commenting alone on here
  11. H

    Trump's Presidency And What It Would Mean For Iran - Attempt 2

    Lets hope trump starts another war in the middle east and ends the sand people
  12. H


    Just look at all these trolls
  13. H

    Afghan Taliban not ready for talks, Pakistan told

    Watching US soldiers penetrating Afghan koonie is a funny sight while their bearded male counterparts just sit aside.
  14. H

    Afghanistan losing interest in trade links with Pakistan

    You must be a mad Pashtun or are you his Arab father? I a 6 ft 11 Jatt male will not let take anything from you fools.
  15. H

    Japan inks nuclear agreement with India!

    Those Middle Easterners(Persian,Arab,Turk,Afghan,Tajik) stand no chance against a India and Japan alliance, they can't even fight Israel, their Middle Eastern women are raped routinely.
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