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Recent content by hanian

  1. hanian

    Four Tibetans set themselves on fire on Same day in China.

    Yehovah will be a servant of Buddha Buddha will be a servant of sanqing sanqing will be servants of Shangdi That is China
  2. hanian

    China Second lowest in Asia-Pacific in English Proficiency.

    that's a good news Most people should stop wasting time learning it and focus on their major field
  3. hanian

    High-speed Rail From Savannakhet (Laos) To Lao Bao (Vietnam) in 5 Years

    not a surprise Indochina railroad were first proposed by Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad in 1995
  4. hanian

    Japan’s China Row May Spur GDP Fall This Quarter, JPMorgan Says

    Many countries wanna Japan to make cars there but are they also gonna buy all of them? Many countries(including Chinese car companies) also wanna come to China and replace Japan's share of Car market
  5. hanian

    Laos Says China to Finance $7 billion Rail Link

    Vietnamese just worried that the Laos railroad or Myanmar railroad will compete with Vietnam railroad who has longest distance to Bangkok or Singapore
  6. hanian

    Do you have any questions about China?

    I thought Vietnam was a part of USSR nor USA lol How the hell Uncle Sam could sell the permit
  7. hanian

    Do you have any questions about China?

    That's a Manchurian pie which included Vietnam that is a share taken by French after Tonkin War in 1885 what do you think of Vietnamese abandoning Chinese characters and adopting Latin scripts
  8. hanian

    US President Barack Obama to visit Burma

    and the war always follows

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