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Recent content by Hadeed Janjua

  1. Hadeed Janjua

    Special Pictures Of Pak Army .........

    ^^ how was this pic taken? :blink:
  2. Hadeed Janjua

    IAI Designing a Hovercraft that Can Carry a 200 kg Payload

    WOW.......hollywood fiction movies abt future cming to reality......i dnt know y but i think of wide spread distruction wen i thnk of future warfare..:)
  3. Hadeed Janjua

    Pakistan seen as biggest threat in South Asia by Nepalese.

    the world aint aware of d ground realities in pakistan.......d reason western countries and most of asian countries r safe frm extremism is coz of pakistans efforts nd sacrifices......if at all d world should be thankful to pakistan for fightin a war to keep d world safe......nd im gonna second...
  4. Hadeed Janjua

    Why our enemies targeted P3C Orion Aircrafts in attack on Mehran Naval Base

    america thinks ten times before giving any defence hardware to pakistan.......if they didnt want us to have these planes than they wouldnt give them to us in the first place....duh....so we can rule out USA......well now we have to see who would benefit with planes being destroyed....my guess is...
  5. Hadeed Janjua


    Americas current economic situation doesnt allow them to continue war in afghanistan and iraq let alone open a new front especially in iran......:laugh:
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