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Recent content by ghostpk

  1. ghostpk

    New beginnings: Residents welcome metro bus service

    Who cares about the name or meaning. We Pakistanis make our own rules and that goes for naming things as well. Call us innovators. We don't follow, instead we lead. :D Btw, I assumed it was Metro Bus because it is a bus that runs in a metro... Made sense to me.
  2. ghostpk

    18 beaches of Balochistan

    First peace, then everything else.
  3. ghostpk

    Pakistan decries India's admission of involvement in cross-border terrorism

    Pakistani politicians have made some stupid statements in the past. But surely the Indian Defense Minister's statement takes the cake. Not only will this be frowned upon by global community but I also doubt Indian Armed Forces are happy with this release of info. Also this could not come at a...
  4. ghostpk

    Zimbabwe tours Pakistan: Series - May 2015

    Here's to successful series.
  5. ghostpk

    We experienced isolation, won't let it happen to Pakistan: Zimbabwe manager

    Win-win situation as said before. As a Pakistani this makes me happy.
  6. ghostpk

    Mumbaikars Come Together to Help This Teen From Pakistan

    Humanity in action. Great to hear.
  7. ghostpk

    Two Indian girls went to Pakistan, then...

    What is the difference?
  8. ghostpk

    Two Christian women attacked with acid in Quetta

    Why highlight that they are Christian? It does not seem likely that they were attacked just because they were Christians. Anyways, saddened to hear about this. Hopefully justice will be served, and one day such attacks will cease.
  9. ghostpk

    Zimbabwe has confirmed Pakistan tour: PCB chairman

    Praying for the security of Zimbabwe's cricket team. In my opinion they should not come here. Our country is in a state of war with terrorists. Obviously I am happy that international cricket is returning to Pakistan, but from a neutral point of view, I feel that it is still not safe enough...
  10. ghostpk

    Pakistan SSG Commandos Rank in the World

    Haha this thread is hilarious. Jokes aside, SSG definitely ranks as one of the best SF's in the world. Let's stop arguing who is better. I have no doubt Indian SF's are also among the best in the world.
  11. ghostpk

    Mohammad Aamir Returns

    I love Amir. Honestly, he was my favorite player. Hadn't been as excited about a fast bowler since Shoaib. Sad turn to his story. Now it is all on him to change it. Will be supporting him all the way through.
  12. ghostpk

    Chinese N-plants in Pakistan violates NGS rules: US

    What about US violations of similar agreements? They have no credibility when it comes to opposing this.
  13. ghostpk

    Solar-powered ATMs to deliver clean drinking water in Pakistan

    Good move. Clean water is a very important issue, especially for rural populations. It is better to take care of this now before it becomes more pressing.
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