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Recent content by G21Bangladesh2041

  1. G21Bangladesh2041

    Bangladesh’s GDP per person is now higher than Pakistan’s : The economist

    WHEN Bangladesh won independence from Pakistan in 1971, it was much poorer than the country it left. Industry accounted for only 6-7% of its GDP, compared with over 20% in Pakistan. The battle for independence had killed or displaced millions, damaged roads and railways, and severed ties with...
  2. G21Bangladesh2041

    Bangladesh's Deep Sea Port Problem

    Bangladesh's Deep Sea Port Problem China, Japan, and India are all competing to build Dhaka’s first deep sea port. By Wade Shepard June 07, 2016 Bangladesh needs a deep sea port. The country has one of world’s fastest growing economies, which is expected to rise at a 7.1 percent clip...
  3. G21Bangladesh2041

    New Introductions

    1) Technology,politics,current world affairs,world economy,regional socioeconomics etc. 2) Computer engineer,working on data science. 3) googling to seek info. 4) To exchange knowledge and views. 5) Engineering. 6) To build strong regional bond.
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