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Recent content by dzgame

  1. D

    Huawei, ZTE ready to give source codes to India

    Do you really think so?? its not difficult for Indians to crack those codes i tell you. but the thing is we opt for legal way...copy pasting is not our habit.
  2. D

    India’s USD 100 Billion Relationship With Israel

    It is not difficult to understand unless one is dumb!!now here's the explanation about "military power projection" hope you are wise enough to understand. every senior indian member is aware thet india is not in the "superpower" league yet. whatever weapons we are purchasing will act as...
  3. D

    India’s USD 100 Billion Relationship With Israel

    @Auz, 1.since, when we started licking ***** of white masters?? please provide link for *** licking!! as far as your cheer leading is concerned, it's clear in most of the posts from pakistani members.. look at the stand we've taken regarding Palestine issue...get your facts first and then reply...
  4. D

    India’s USD 100 Billion Relationship With Israel

    bhai jan ye saudi saudi kya laga rakha hai??:undecided: .............and i thot they are cheerleaders for china....but i guess now they started cheerleading for saudi also.... rafale was one of the best and comparable to EF but when da result of MMRCA was declared, suddenly EF became...
  5. D

    China to respond forcefully, if its sovereignty challenged

    lol yes .....and then the cheerleaders start cheering and it becomes news!!:chilli:
  6. D

    China to respond forcefully, if its sovereignty challenged

    whats the news??:undecided: every country on the globe will do the same!!:sniper:
  7. D

    Effort to make Tejas more ‘Indian’

    yup..note taken:agree:... i tried hard to avoid nuts..but my patience finally answered!!:sick: there was no need to bring jf in this thread for D*ck measuring but they did it. i'll keep in mind replying these people = :hitwall:
  8. D


    honestly, neither china nor india have capacity to "rule" IOR for atleast next 3 decades. Its uncle sam whose 7th fleet will remain dominant and more than sufficient for both these navies if a war like situation arises.:usflag:
  9. D

    Effort to make Tejas more ‘Indian’

    nope. i was serious..why dont you prove jf is better than LCA?
  10. D

    Effort to make Tejas more ‘Indian’

    see who's talking.....:what::what::what: it's still better than JF17 (i'm going little of topic bt have too!!).... don't know why chinese ain't interested in JF if it is so good... and why don't you keep your real flag?? are you ashamed of your nation?
  11. D

    Hyderabad named as 3rd best city in the world

    i prefer Handi for veg biriyani...
  12. D

    Hyderabad named as 3rd best city in the world

    yup will be there in december 1st week...
  13. D

    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    hey do some DNA you'll definitely get some trace of japanese and mongol DNA. afterall mongols ruled you for more years and then how can you forge about those few japanese??:azn:
  14. D

    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    Its funny when chinese posters like you talk about dilution. Your cpc mouth is the biggest on the globe you know that!! your navy knows if they ever try to enter in IOR they'll be asskicked. why don't you chinese accept the reality?? world has changed a lot in 50 years so as India and China...
  15. D

    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    disgusting wet dream!! Any idiot can write such stupid fictional story! @all If a chinese or their cheerleaders(:pakistan:) write a story then chinese will always come out as a winner and if an Indian writes story it would be India which gonna win! So, basically such threads are baseless and...
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