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Recent content by DT1010

  1. DT1010

    Cambodian and Vietnamese Soldiers Fight Over Border Dispute

    How many tanks thai have? 100 or 200 o_Oo_O Untill you guys have over 5000 tanks, i see no reason why should we fear you thai gay.
  2. DT1010

    Taiwan prepared to defend Spratly Islands from Vietnam or Filipinos

    what a pathetic scene! a family of thieves trying to protect their cousin
  3. DT1010

    How is food and economy of North Korea?

    again, a bias from chinese, is this the guy who posted unrelated chinese pic in a Vietnam's infrastructure topic and call it as nothing? Do they still think they're son of heaven?
  4. DT1010

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    same question for chinese member
  5. DT1010

    US firms ratchet up investment

    so do it!
  6. DT1010

    Food Safety in China Still Faces Big Hurdles

    China has been scrambling to right its gargantuan processed-food ship ever since six infants died and thousands more were hospitalized with kidney damage in 2008 from milk adulterated with an industrial chemical. But as the latest scandal involving spoiled meat in fast-food shows, the attempted...
  7. DT1010

    what will Vietnam be-----Asia Ukraine?

    it likes china =fake, dirty
  8. DT1010

    Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

    anyone have their short hard time, but with china, it is always hard time
  9. DT1010

    Cambodian students Protest at Vietnam Embassy

    before chinaman did that stupid thing, we would bomb Three Gorges Dam and then all of chinaman could have a free ticket to swim in their own city
  10. DT1010

    Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

    There are some misunderstanding at here. Vietnam don't have plan to produce nuclear weapon, we just enrich uranium and develop nuclear tech
  11. DT1010

    Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

    I don't think we have had mentioned antarctic , middle east or south america
  12. DT1010

    East Asian Fertility Crisis

    unfortunately, the reality is contrast BTW: you chinese guy are obsessed by us
  13. DT1010

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    This is first Viet's post:"Let see when Chinese leadership goes nuts and deploys tanks to crush the protest. Bloodshed is common in chinese history." And this is first dog's post:"We will export them to Vietnam. You know how to kill Chinese looking people. Mob style." can you see who started this?
  14. DT1010

    Japan Defence Forum

    facebook of japan coast guard
  15. DT1010

    China Economy Forum

    Vietnam: 0,5$/kg Japan: 20$/kg what a life!
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