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Recent content by DD5

  1. D

    Kabul seeks 2 more years for Afghan refugees in Pakistan

    If at the government level they remain enemies of Pakistan they cannot ask us of this. At the people level they should apply as any other asylum seekers, if they are escaping some sort of danger in Afghanistan, not just coming to Pak in search for work.
  2. D

    Pakistani Air Force Chief rolls out F-16 to bombs Taliban himself.

    Exactly, my point. The threat assessment must have been done and weighed against morale boosting exercise. So its not really foolish.
  3. D

    Pakistani Air Force Chief rolls out F-16 to bombs Taliban himself.

    Amazing. PAF is does not make the enemy cower for nothing. The people expressing shock over this, remember this is the Muslim tradition. All the battles the Prophet led, he participated in them himself and had the scars to prove it too. This builds up morale. The leader is not just asking you...
  4. D

    We Want to Show That Indian Muslims also Feels Patriotic : Saif Ali Khan on Phantom

    So what, its not going to make me die of embarrassment and deny its happening. Oh wait look, Dawn reported it. At least Pakistanis have a take it all head on attitude and no fake platitudes are required of our people
  5. D

    We Want to Show That Indian Muslims also Feels Patriotic : Saif Ali Khan on Phantom

    Both are ways to migrate to greener pastures. MQM is representative of nobody. But if Pakistan's government is doing something wrong, minorities have a every right to bring the matter to the UN. What I am highlighting is the difference in attitude. You are more concerned about image, I'm...
  6. D

    BJP asks Modi to call off Sartaj-Doval talks, declare Pakistan’s high commissioner persona non-grata

    Did it include the same type of people from India? Oh yes it did. Indian terrorism came to light with the Samjhota express bombing and the zilch action India has taken against the perpetrators from the Indian Army. This incident was in India. Let's not forget MQM's role that has been...
  7. D

    BJP asks Modi to call off Sartaj-Doval talks, declare Pakistan’s high commissioner persona non-grata

    India is too weak to face the allegations of terrorism that would be highlighted at the talks. India's involvement in terrorist activities is now an accepted matter in the world. By allowing talks where Pakistan is specifically coming to talk about India's role in terrorism they are giving it...
  8. D

    What would China be like today if the Nationalists had won the Chinese Civil War?

    Yes that was my first thought. Chinese history militarily is weak, until the revolution.
  9. D

    Popular Afghani female Singer Aryan Saaed Anti Pakistani Facebook Picture

    Pakistan has never spread its arms towards India. Afghanistan begs Pakistan and then backstabs it too.
  10. D

    Popular Afghani female Singer Aryan Saaed Anti Pakistani Facebook Picture

    Yes please stop importing from Pakistan anything and everything and close the borders. Afghanistan can't even grow its own food. The naan you eat, has been blessed by Pakistan. The rice you eat are from Pakistan. The cars you drive its fuel comes through Pakistan.
  11. D

    Modi Government Has Lost Face, Big Time

    It will be a historic show of political prowess of Pakistan's seasoned politicians versus the psycho from Gujarat.
  12. D

    Pakistani-American Elected President of Pro-Israel Group

    I will disagree there too. Its a bit more nuanced than that. Pakistan was supposed to be a separate autonomous entity and Bharat a separate autonomous entity within the Indian Union. Perhaps similar to modern day UK. This was agreed by Jinnah and everybody. It wasn't until Congress, namely...
  13. D

    We Want to Show That Indian Muslims also Feels Patriotic : Saif Ali Khan on Phantom

    Oh please we know how many people apply for foreign visas to US, Canada, Australia and migrate there too. But I commented on your assertion that we expect our minorities to tow the line. We don't. There are problems for them, they have every right to criticize and fight for their rights to...
  14. D

    Separatists invited by Pak under house arrest

    First Indian government cries about solving things through dialogue and then when it comes to dialogue arrest them. Born liars and whiners.
  15. D

    We Want to Show That Indian Muslims also Feels Patriotic : Saif Ali Khan on Phantom

    Not really. I would prefer their criticism rather than fake appreciation. They are my equals and have equal rights to criticize.
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