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Recent content by dassin

  1. dassin

    Time for China to sell all her holding on US Treasury Bonds

    Actually China will be in a bigger trouble. America will simply refuse to pay
  2. dassin

    In a first-of-its kind, Japan offers to sell aircraft to India

    well Japan is helping in maintaining power balance in the region.
  3. dassin

    Manmohan Singh to China's Wen Jiabao: Back off on South China Sea

    Great.. India has made clear to China that we r not going to leave China sea under Beijing pressure. I would love to see China response other then making strong statements
  4. dassin

    Thank you, India

    Superb video mate Proud to be Indian
  5. dassin

    Tibet: China's burning issue

    and what about China helping Pakistan in all his activities to harm India
  6. dassin

    Tibet: China's burning issue

    Looks like ur government don't care about ur hatred towards us Today i read ur premier saying that the two countries should work "hand-in-hand" to ensure that the 21st century belongs to Asia.
  7. dassin

    Separatists like Geelani will die an Indian: Farooq Abdullah

    Oh! I am so scared lol! You have forgotten ur humiliating defeats whenever u tried to mess with us.
  8. dassin

    Separatists like Geelani will die an Indian: Farooq Abdullah

    So what r u going to do now to help Kashmir gain independence?
  9. dassin

    Separatists like Geelani will die an Indian: Farooq Abdullah

    Gellani must be day dreaming that he and his moron supporters can free Kashmir from India
  10. dassin

    Zaid Hamid Warned Indians and Americans.(New One)

    Ask his father
  11. dassin

    India V South Africa-12th March

    350 runs on card
  12. dassin

    Australia to use India to counter Chinese influence?

    Kolkata’s Arun Jagatramka is a popular figure in government circles in Sydney. Officials of the New South Wales government, which is headquartered in this city, never tire of citing him as an example of what foreign investors can do in this resource-rich country. Jagatramka owns what is arguably...
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