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Recent content by Caucasian Albania

  1. C

    Iran denounces Britain's plan to upgrade nuclear arms

    Visit link for video. Iran has criticized Britain’s plan to upgrade its nuclear weapons capability, renewing the Islamic Republic’s call for a world free from nuclear weapons. In an exclusive interview with Press TV on Saturday, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council...
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    Advanced Sukhoi to be unveiled in Paris show

    Russians make some good looking hardware :)
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    What are the largest/most power companies on the planet?

    @Auz You seem a bit too infatuated by that saudi company? It is generally believed that saudis overstate their oil reserves by as much as 40% to keep the prices down.
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    Cheap Drones Made in China Could Arm US Foes

    China may sell low quality stuff, but don't forget China also manufactures apple products for apple. so when it comes to quality, don't judge China just because your own pathetic country decided to buy the lower quality stuff. I looked at the chinese UAV thread and was very impressed by what I...
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    Cheap Drones Made in China Could Arm US Foes

    These westerners are so pathetic. Iran downs so many of their drones and now Iran need to buy from China? So they are admitting the American drones are inferior to the chinese drones? this cheapness is nonsense because 1 very good drone is better than 10 cheap ones unless those cheap drones...
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    [Gallery] This paradise is called Iran

    All of us will be re united once again :) We are all family and must be reunited to create the greater Land of aryans :)
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    Iraq seals $4.2 deal with Russia, makes initial payment

    Turks are very delutional. Their country is nothing without NATO. Most of their so called "achievements" are just copied hardware from other NATO countries and even Korea They act as if they are some sort of superpower and yet they had to beg NATO for air defence against Syria. Even syria...
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    [Gallery] This paradise is called Iran

    :bounce:I have not been born in Iran. But I am Azari :) and Iran will always be my home :cheers:. For any Person of Iranic heritage Eran/Iran will always be our motherland.:kiss3:
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    North Korea gives Britain 5 DAYS to evacuate embassy

    You people need to stop blaming North korean. The west is placing sanctions on them and thousands of their people are dying due to starvation. Of course they will make threats! North korea is being treated like this because they are a sovereign nation who refuse to be the lap dog of the yankess.
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    News of Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan)

    Really? when people talk about truth about the Fake Turkish state then we are not talking in civilized manner? what sort of logic is that?
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    News of Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan)

    I have sent you a message :)
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    [Gallery] This paradise is called Iran

    Once day, I will return to my true motherland. Man Azari hastam. <<<< I am Azari :) is it right?
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    [Gallery] Iranian Armed Forces

    These are the defenders of Eran, my true motherland. Long live Aryan nation of Iran.
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    Iranian Music, Movies | Cultural discussions

    I Love Iranic music!!!! :cheers:
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    Made in Iran

    WOW that car looks good!!! How much???????
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