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Recent content by bornmoron

  1. bornmoron

    Propaganda against polio on social networking websites

    By the way That Doctor shown Is Bill Gates ,from polio campaign in India :P
  2. bornmoron

    Chinese president urges early negotiated solution to border issues with India

    Stop Feeding Troll Guys,,,, TROLL REPORTED On Topic... INDIA CHINA & RUSSIA together,,,,WOW,,,,,,gonna make lot of country restless & loose their sleep..Good for ASIA.
  3. bornmoron

    Any doctor here... need advice. .

    He's 62 ..Doctor said usually it comes after 70... Below given details are the concludion of the scans done.. "The Prostate is severly enlarged measures 4.94x5.76x4.88 cmscorresonds to 76cc with mild medium lobe hypertrophy jutting on to bladder base" Pls dont delay ,,,see a good Urologist
  4. bornmoron

    INS VIKRAMDITYA in Indian Service

    Brilliant Video ,,with a Nice sound Track,,, PROUD Feeling !
  5. bornmoron

    Any doctor here... need advice. .

    My Dad had,,Enlarged Prostates,,, Symptoms were,,,,,,,,,,,,Sudden attacks of shivering, Morning & Evening as if it was programmed to come on that time only,,, Urine test revealed Infection & only when CT scan was done Enlarged Prostate was shown The reason for all the trouble. Had to be...
  6. bornmoron

    Blast at Indian Military check post by Kashmirs Freedom fighters

    Thats definitely a fake video,,, Birds are chirping continuously.....after such an explosions,,,there's shouldn't be any birds chirping,,,,,also chirping is in a loop..
  7. bornmoron

    Indian navy arrests 12 Pakistani fishermen

    AK 47 cmonnn,,,,arm them with NUKES,,,,Boooommmmm:cheesy:
  8. bornmoron

    IAF debunks 'Missing Malaysian jet for 9/11-type attack on India' theory

    i guess the autorities already knw about the aircraft,,,may be atleast the countries who are in search mission do knw ,,,something is hidden from the public,,,, Who knws may be plane is already blow up in case they detected it was hijacked & 9/11 style attack is gonna happen,,,or may be had...
  9. bornmoron

    Karnataka corner!

    Still we dont have much players in Indian Team,,,once we had 4,,Dravid,Srinath,Prasad,Kumble,,,n now i guess none,,sad part
  10. bornmoron

    Karnataka corner!

    on a lighter note CCL 2014 also won by Karnataka Bulldozers,,4th Title
  11. bornmoron

    Thousands defy curfew in Indian Kashmir

    Police officer Abdul Ghani Mir said Dar was killed and two others wounded when government forces fired at anti-India protesters who threatened to attack their armored vehicle in Naidkhai on Friday. what the heck was teenage boy doing with these protestors,, Unfortunate incident though...
  12. bornmoron

    Jackie Shroff polio ad - behind the scenes.

    nah nah,,,,,maushichi ga*nd
  13. bornmoron

    Jackie Shroff polio ad - behind the scenes.

    Hello friends,, Came across a funny video,,May be the Topic on which its happening ain't so funny. Thankfully We don't have Polio Cases any more ... Enjoy the video...
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