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Recent content by Bhishma

  1. B

    We don't need your advice: Muslim leader to Musharraf

    All I can say is go suck it up. Unlike Pakistan, we do not believe in segregating people by religion. The less you talk about Muslim rights, the better it will be for you. Let me tell you, muslims have no rights in Pakistan. They are persecuted by the Taliban. Sunnis are persecuted by Shias...
  2. B

    Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

    So this Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, a creation of the Pakistani state is now attacking Sri Lankan Cricketers? Very sad. These people have not learnt their lesson and are still using radical Islam in order to further their own agenda.
  3. B

    NSG learns from 26/11, to upgrade its firepower

    ^The news article is misleading. The NSG was trying to upgrade all along, but its demands were constantly turned down by the babus. I do not understand why these newspapers always try to please the government. Tell the damned truth, that the NSG was being used as personal bodyguards of these...
  4. B

    Random songs and videos

    I\'m sorry sir, but I cannot be friendly with anyone who supports these organizations which kill civilians in India and attack my army. it is against my principles, and I cannot imagine how anyone else could live with their conscience.
  5. B

    A General Retreat - Ayesha Siddiqa

    Sir, I think that we can all agree, the Taliban is a cancer which must be defeated. I do not know whether the current method of fighting them is the correct way, but we can also agree that it is not working. Amritsar is a mere 300 kms from the Swat Valley, and the resilience of the people...
  6. B

    Random songs and videos

    I do not understand. How can you be friendly with these people. They support Jehadis in Kashmir and consider them as \"martyrs\". Does it not prick your heart every time they pretend to be friendly with you, when you know that behind the facade they sympathize with organizations like Lashkar...
  7. B

    Musharraf's interview to "Aaj Talk"

    I agree - the interviewer was very bad. Typical cheap questions.
  8. B

    LeT replaces Al-Qaeda as biggest threat to US: Security experts

    Red Fort Attack in 2000, Parliament assault in 2001, Nadimarg Massacre in 2002, London Bombings in 2005, Delhi bombings in 2005, Varanasi Bombings in 2005, Doda massacre in 2006, Mumbai train bombings 2006, and finally Mumbai attacks on 26.11. Lashkar was involved in all these. Sir. Please...
  9. B

    Pak driver's 'jihadi' brother killed in Kashmir

    Me simplistic? you are the guys propogating Sharia law here. What a joke this is! I\'m off.
  10. B

    We don't need your advice: Muslim leader to Musharraf

    Nice day to you too. I see that you don\'t mind turning Pakistan into a sacrificial lamb for the Kashmiri \"cause\". Sad, very sad. I think I have seen the face behind the facade today. Not a pretty sight.
  11. B

    Pak driver's 'jihadi' brother killed in Kashmir

    They are indeed separastis. That doesn\'t mean however that they will not attempt to take over the Pakistani state if given the opportunity to do so. The key is secular. Development will follow. Cannot be the other way around. Why don\'t you try it and see where you get ?
  12. B

    Pak driver's 'jihadi' brother killed in Kashmir

    I don\\\'t remember generalizing. Please stop accusing! Yes, and they don\\\'t care about you either. They are much better off without your \\\"help\\\". And that includes Kashmir. No need to ruin any more muslim lives in the name of Islam. The Mumbai carnage has thoroughly exposed the...
  13. B

    Pak driver's 'jihadi' brother killed in Kashmir

    Yet again, refusal to understand the problem. Once you open the pandora\'s box of Islamic radicalism, you cannot close it again. Learn from Turkey. Look what they had to do in order to keep radical Islam from taking over their country.
  14. B

    Pak driver's 'jihadi' brother killed in Kashmir

    Atlease we didn\'t create a self-inflicted wound by arming radical groups within our country.
  15. B

    Pak driver's 'jihadi' brother killed in Kashmir

    Would you believe it? From this very forum! I\\\\\\\'ve been hanging around here for almost a week now, and I\\\\\\\'ve had the pleasure of reading some delightful posts about how any Indian muslim who defends India is automatically labeled a traitor to the Islamic cause by some people...
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