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Recent content by Bhairava

  1. Bhairava

    India has become safer under Manmohan Singh.

    I thought you dont believe in 'Hindutva' sources or is that cherry picking ? Praveen Swami is a prominent left-of-center journalist (maybe thats why he was not considered reliable for his bias), but when even a left-of-center journalist says there is a problem, then that only gives/increases...
  2. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    I think you are smelling your pie hole (or rather the hand with which you worked) and confusing it with others...:lol: hmmm..well ok. You had to come in the way of my fun kicking around some waste of space piece of sh!t, didnt you ? :-) I'll stop it here.
  3. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    when you are geographically near to shithole (lanka) some stink will reach this side. have to do with it.
  4. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    LOL you are way above your head. Must be all the toilet fumes that are playing with the sorry excuse of a brain you have..lol
  5. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    Normal way as in out of a butthole..that is the normal way for you..lol
  6. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    Why would the truth of you being a high development index lipstick wearing pig hurt me ? Gand phat gayi kya singala ?
  7. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    And you were born out of ? a butt hole ?.Being a sinhala, maybe that is possible. LMAO.
  8. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    looks like you are in your area of expertise :laugh: Says the guy who is on his break from cleaning toilets. lol. Even if you put lipstick to a pig (sinhalese), it still remains a pig(sinhalese)., perhaps a high development index lipstick wearing pig :laugh:
  9. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    Considering that dispatching 50,000+ sinhalas seems a good tally. Ah the people are proud enough to do respectable job, not like lowly sinhalas who will literally scrape sh!t, like you are doing in Aus :)
  10. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    It was referring to the waste-of-oxygen sinhalas. :) Premadasa says hello. Still better than cleaning toilets as refugees. (Lack of) Sinhala pride !
  11. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    Still a good singala is a dead singala. In that way, Premadasa was too good. Fertilizer along with 50,000+ waste of space singalas. Better die fighting that clean toilets as refugees like you :)
  12. Bhairava

    Trillions of dollars worth of oil found in Australian outback

    This is 'oil' freedom, Made in USA. It can come any number of times :D
  13. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    I heard they could not even scrape the bits and pieces of Premadasa from the streets and had to leave him there on the roads as dog food. Paavam :) I think you washing your hands after your job would help :)
  14. Bhairava

    Three heavies endorse Sri Lanka

    So allowing combat aircrafts and transport aircraft to refuel is fine but only when warships are fuelled it mean helping Pak ? With respect I cant understand the logic behind that. Either you remain neutral or not. They did not remain neutral and actively helped pakistan logistically. I dont...
  15. Bhairava

    Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

    And so are the tens of thousands of singala p.o.s who got blasted to oblivion in the 25 years :) Guess its all fair. It only looks like a break for you..till the gora master cracks the whip and gives the harpic in your hands for the next round :laugh:

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