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Recent content by Bane

  1. Bane

    Cricket team and Army

    I assure you, there is no comparison between a cricket team and an army. Its simply a fallacy to presume so.
  2. Bane

    Pak Banker Testifies Against 2008 Mumbai Attack Accused

    Are you Indi's still hung up over that? It was 5 years ago, get over it. We did it, you couldn't do scat about it then, and can't now. So stop your moaning.
  3. Bane

    If the Sikhs decided to cast their lot with Muslims and Pakistan in 1947??

    The cunning Hindu whispers discontent and discord among the peoples of the Subcontinent. Beware his lies.
  4. Bane

    IT's Proved { Aliens Does Exists }...

    Jinn most prob
  5. Bane

    Most racist countries in the world - Map

    More solid proof that Islam brings enlightenment and equality.
  6. Bane

    Who shall be care taker Prime Minister

    What about.....................me? I'm honest but I can't guarantee I won't start a bloody purge against the political parties....;)
  7. Bane

    Imran Khan Praising Sharif Brothers

    If someone does something good, does he not deserve praise, even if he is a Sharif? BTW, if you believe in a leader, you will always be disappointing. Put your trust in Pakistan and the Quaid's Pak Ideology and it will never fail you.
  8. Bane

    TTP rules the roost in Pakhtun-dominated areas

    Do you want me to remind you how much Indian land the naxalites control?
  9. Bane

    Pakistan's Inherent Strength

    By 2015 we will have close to 300 warheads primed.......one for every major city in India...:)
  10. Bane

    Why it is tough to trust the ISI

    What a stupid thread. Of course you can't trust the ISI, it's an intelligence agency! If you could, it wouldn't be doing it's job. Sad that the Indians don't get the point. (Of course, they rarely do...)
  11. Bane

    Media and terror

    What a load of crap. If anything, media organisations in Pakistan are funded by the West and India to portray them as the good guys and to push their agenda's...........just like the writer of this article is doing. Useful Idiot.
  12. Bane

    Anxiety among Shia community members rising.

    All comments so far are by Indians. Really Indi's, don't you have your own forums to obsess over us without littering our site?
  13. Bane

    Illegal Drone Wars

    How the CIA’s use of attack drones against civilian populations in FATA constitutes a gross violation of both international and US law. PKKH Exclusive | Hasan Qureshi I wonder if the citizens of Alamogordo, New Mexico know that as they drive on the roads near the local Holloman Air Force...
  14. Bane

    The Baluch Question

    How our enemies are trying to rob the Baluch people of their nation. – Pakistan By Hasan Qureshi | PKKH Exclusive The Khan of Kalat, Ahmed Yar Khan, was once asked why he had acceded Kalat, a semi-autonomous state, to Pakistan. He replied that he was hesitant at first, but one night...
  15. Bane

    Indian Army’s Growing Morale Problems

    Low pay, incompetent leaders, other problems, lead to fragging, suicides. by Siddharth Srivastava Rising incidents of violent face-offs between officers and soldiers in the Indian Army are becoming a cause for worry. The reasons relate to harsh service conditions, risk to life and limb...
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