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Recent content by AZAAD

  1. AZAAD

    MAIL TODAY: Indian Navy Officer's Moment Of Indiscretion

    Is there any credible news that it's work of russian establishment and that he has really compromised indian position ? or he was just enjoying himself with her and its just a ploy to bring controversy and resulting delay in otherwise excellent weaponisation program of the navy. And bye the way...
  2. AZAAD

    Visiting Dubai? Educate yourself first!!!

    The analogy is incorrect. Eating cow in India = Eating pig in Pakistan. This is the right analogy (The level of unacceptability). But any of these do not supress the basic rights of an individual. But as for Dubai, it represents an ultra modern city, with highest standard of living and...
  3. AZAAD

    Pakistan has 90 Nuclear Warheads (2009) according to UK media

    I really doubt the figures. As per the article China has 176 nukes (and not 400 as shown by you) while israel has 200. Doesnt make sense to me.
  4. AZAAD

    NYT says India’s pace of IT innovation slow. How is Pakistan doing?

    @TL I have been reading your posts wherein you have mentioned about "product" innovation in IT companies. But then what is a "product" for an IT company. if you feel google, MS, Yahoo are product companies and Infosys, TCS, Wipro is not, then i must refute. if Internet explorer is MS...
  5. AZAAD

    India successfully testfires 'maneuverable' BrahMos supersonic cruise missile

    Great news indeed and thanks to the scientists and all the people who contributed. I might be over-thinking a bit but a few months ago there was a news item about anti ship missile tested by the Chinese...and it was perhaps the first of its kind...now with the testing of "maneuverable"...
  6. AZAAD

    Harop, CBU-105: India's reply to terror squads

    india was better off than china during 1960. then there went something really wrong with our strategy and we lost to china.. and we are still not learning our lessons......we should start our indigenous R&D in almost every core field and provide full financial/ moral support to our scientists...
  7. AZAAD

    Harop, CBU-105: India's reply to terror squads

    i agree that there is no need for us to do wasteful expenditures on things like these as they seems more like fancy toys rather than core necessity. instead of using our money prudently, we are behaving like a lady left free to shop.we are not a rich nation and its taxpayers hard earned...
  8. AZAAD

    Pride Products Of P O F.

    u proud of illegal arms market in Pakistan..????? its not even funny !!
  9. AZAAD

    Mission to wipe off Chinese (Mongoloids): Third World War & Inheritance of New World

    The whole idea looks nonsensical. there is no virus that has race specific action and a nuclear war destroys all....no one can limit its effect to a particular race....china also has nuclear weapons and its effect on europe/usa would be as fatal as it is for chinese.... looks somebody is deep...
  10. AZAAD

    Top Indian Myths about Pakistan!

    Sir kindly first make it clear what is the point of discussion. Is it the myth you want to debunk or you want to prove "Hamam mein dono nange hain" Whatever India does (I am not implying whatever you believe is what India does) has no bearing to the MYTH you want to debunk (If it is a myth...
  11. AZAAD

    India copying Pakistani/Western Culture

    This is in reply to Mr RR's post Dear you have relentlessly mentioned of the "set people" type in your posts and about "set people" type in India. India, infact, cannot be said to have a set people type as you always mention.This is one of the hailed qualities of India which we refer to as...
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