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  1. Apóllōn

    Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

    @isro2222... if Enki and Enlil are Hindu gods, then why fight among themselves? Were the Anunnaki alien race, the same hindu gods???, page 1
  2. Apóllōn

    Asian Cuisine

    Nepali food Daal Bhat tarkari Sel Roti Jeri (Jalebi)/Zlabia Kauli (cauliflower curry) Khashi Ya Laa (goat curry) Desserts
  3. Apóllōn

    Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

    @isro2222... so who are the good guys and the bad guys?
  4. Apóllōn

    Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

    Correct... they used inverse color technique. Original Inverse Image Nasa claims these are dead pixel in the camera.... but other theorist have their own point.
  5. Apóllōn

    Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

    Isro222 can throw some light on this... I like that guy :)
  6. Apóllōn

    Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

    London: NASA's Curiosity rover has captured a strange white light dancing across the horizon of Mars and four blobs hovering in the sky, which UFO hunters claim are alien ships monitoring humans' baby steps into the universe. While the images are certainly a curiosity, NASA and photography...
  7. Apóllōn

    India receives its first EMB-145 AEW&C aircraft

    @Capt.Popeye... thanks for understanding that my post was just for information.
  8. Apóllōn

    India receives its first EMB-145 AEW&C aircraft

    I was not trying to prove any point, it was a simple statement. Period. Yes its irrelevant w.r.t to Indian AEW&C but not in general to EMB-145 AEW&C platform. Man.... when did I claimed ERIEYE and DRDO AWACS had the same range? I think I shouldn't have posted two websites which I...
  9. Apóllōn

    Asian Cuisine

    Tang Yuen Japanese dessert Tapioca pearls Asian dessert Thai Mix Dessert with coconut milk Rice pudding Mango Sticky Rice Coconut tapioca pudding with papaya Strawberries wearing kimono
  10. Apóllōn

    India receives its first EMB-145 AEW&C aircraft

    @Abingdonboy - Did I claimed anything about Indian EMB-145 AEW&C aircraft having more range or etc compared to Saab ERIEYE AEW&C. I just posted respective sites with their range specs... simple. Range of Indian defece labs made AESA Radar or sensors are whole different point altogether which...
  11. Apóllōn

    India receives its first EMB-145 AEW&C aircraft

    Embraer Defense Systems ERIEYE AEW&C Mission System - Features As per the respective website both AEW&C have same range.
  12. Apóllōn

    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    Afghan... local?
  13. Apóllōn

    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    Thanks for correction.
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