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Recent content by Adler

  1. Adler

    Develop a satellite that India could gift to SAARC countries: Modi

    And this is called SPACE Diplomacy :tup:
  2. Adler

    USA vs Germany

    Ich bin mit Deutschland! :cheers:
  3. Adler

    Modi right to ditch English but he should speak Sanskrit at UN

    It really doesn't matter which language he uses as long as he is comfortable with it and he is doing good for the country. I am wondering why some members here are so much concerned about his linguistic skills in English? :hitwall: On the other side the decision to speak in Hindi is definitely...
  4. Adler

    Karachi airport attack: Will it affect Indo-Pak ties?

    As if the ties were already at its peak! :coffee:
  5. Adler

    Brainiest man in India

    The interviewer seems more puzzled about what this cloud computing expert is saying! :rofl:
  6. Adler

    India Awakenings - How a holy place and its people helped a Western woman find wholeness-CNN Report

    My spiritual side was not so intense till I left India. I realized how much and what I have missed in my life. So, I made my first spiritual tour to India covering Rishikesh and other places nearby in 2012. I really felt the vibes there! such a serene and blessed place. I can't ask for more!
  7. Adler

    India Awakenings - How a holy place and its people helped a Western woman find wholeness-CNN Report

    I once attended a meeting where he was the chief guest in one of the ISCKON centers in Germany. He is a saintly man, he has the charming personality to keep the audience engaged for hours together.
  8. Adler

    Pakistan has placed order of Russian Gunship Helicopters - Dawn

    That's why I mentioned few cases! ;). When it comes to procurement, the numbers do matter. The number of F 16's from Jordan or for that matter the ongoing deal(MI-28's) doesn't exceed 20. Lesser the number faster is the procurement. In this case India too had been quite effective where it had...
  9. Adler

    Pakistan has placed order of Russian Gunship Helicopters - Dawn

    Well, at least now this is no more a secret! The secrecy is only in few cases like this. This is a requirement which is Ad hoc in nature prompted by pressing need from Pakistani Army to fight the terrorists with these machine's.
  10. Adler

    Pakistan has placed order of Russian Gunship Helicopters - Dawn

    I don't know that it is so easy to procure high tech weapons in just with in few days as has been cited in the above post. No mentioning of specifications, requirements, tender, user trails, ............................ If it is so kudos to Pakistani defense procurement policy! :pakistan:
  11. Adler

    Hyderabad-Tirupati route gets its first double decker train.

    Did anybody travel in this double decker train? Does it has sleeper coaches too? Govinda! ............................... Govinda! ;)
  12. Adler

    Hyderabad-Tirupati route gets its first double decker train.

    good news! I hope the journey time too will be reduced in future. It normally takes between 11 and 12 hours with the existing services and no difference with this double decker trains too! excepting for the fact that it is a bit more ambient with more facilities. Anyways good job south central...
  13. Adler

    Good things about your neighbours

    Pakistan: Its beautiful landscapes and women. The civilization remains it has (Harappa, Mohenjo-daro etc). Easy to get along with people (As long as you don't bring in Kashmir issue) ;) China: Its civilization and culture. Incredible speed of planning and Execution. Their indomitable spirit in...
  14. Adler

    Interesting article in german spiegel magazine about indian elections and hindu radicals

    Modi is a equally loved and hated politician in India. There are lots of threads running about him in this forum. If you would like to know more about him visit those threads. Reputation is different from credibility. "Spiegel" is no exception from it. As you posted in one of your comments that...
  15. Adler

    India, Iran, Afghanistan finalize draft for new transit trade agreement

    Nice deal! I hope this would act as good opportunity for Afganisthan for its development.
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