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If Vietnam can beat China, so can India. This is not 1962.

let me sum up the article.

-India hope and anticipate the US to come and save them.
-India think China will suffer as manufacturing hub.
-India think they are a jungle country like Vietnam.


Xi will be a fool if he thinks he can get away with a war with India...the economic and more importantly the political cost will be too much for China and him personally.
The question is not whether or not Xi think he can get away with war. War always come at a cost. The question is does this warrant a war to protect our sovereignty. As you may well aware, most country will not think twice to go to war to protect and defend their territorial rights.
According to Sun Tzu's Art of War :
1. Subduing your enemny without fight is the best
2. Subduing your enemy through diplomation is the second best
3. Subduing your enemy through fight is the last option

I believe China's government mindset based on that.
Also I want to remind India that it takes a lot of time to carry out war plan, logistics, and communicating to the international community why it's necessarily for us to go to war. That's why you don't see us in war yet but rest assure when all the steps necessary to prepare, plan, and communicate all done at diplomatically and internationally, war will come if India continues to ignore our warning. The global right is on our side.
vietnam was a different scenerio.there is no comparison between india and china.china have more weapons, more fighter jets,more artillery.they have advance radar systems even to detect f-22.how can anyone fight with such a modern army?they make their own sams,they make their own fighter jets and let me say i am impressed with those 400+j-10s.they have ordinance factories.they have their own missile systems.they can refuel their fighter jets anytime in case of conflict.india should look at china and should make a decision.think it logically.leave emotions on one side.you have chickens neck very close to the current standoff position.in case of conflict,who will protect chickens neck? this war might be all about cruise missiles and fighter jets.
It is not surprising that China is miffed with us. They want to ‘teach’ us a lesson for not obeying their command. Be that as it may, there are many issues which the Chinese will have to consider before they decide to blow the balloon.

First and foremost is their standing as the manufacturing hub of the world which will take a severe beating if they decide to go to war. It will send a message that the country is not peaceful, which can result in major disruptions in supply and transport of goods being produced, not to mention the risk of being bombed out, as can happen in any war. If this were to happen, the economic might which the Chinese boast of, could seriously erode overnight. Without manufacturing, China could well be a basket case.

Secondly, America will not allow China to get away so easily. Even in our 1962 war with China, they’d helped us with weapons and ammunition. This time, they’ll do much more. The Malabar exercise held recently along with Japan and America was precisely for this purpose. Americans will never allow the Chinese to disrupt the international order which though chaotic is still balanced in America’s favor. If they let China take the lead, the standing of America will take a severe beating.

I haven’t mentioned Russia in the current context because Russia’s relationship with China is ambivalent. While they haven’t been best of friends in the past, their relationship is currently cordial. On the other hand while our relationship with Russia was very good in the past it is just a shade better than cordial currently. In all probability, Russia will just try and use its good offices to prevent the war. They won’t come out in our support openly.

Pertinent to mention that Pakistan may also try and take advantage of the situation, in Kashmir. They may believe that this is a golden opportunity for them to wrest Kashmir from India. Here again, Americans have a strong handle which they can use to keep Pakis away. This is exactly the reason why Americans haven’t declared Pak a terrorist nation. If they were to do so, the leeway that they currently have would be gone.

It is quite likely that Chinese are actually just testing the waters. They’re not sure of our PM Narendra Modi. By trying to create a tense situation they may want to see if he buckles or not. In the past, many times Indian government has kept Chinese sensibilities in mind while dealing with many issues including that of Dalai Lama and Tibetans. This includes recognizing Tibet as part of China. However, of late, the government and its ministers have been seen courting Dalai Lama quite openly, which is anathema for Chinese.

Lastly, even if an actual war is still long way off, if it comes to the worst, we should be prepared to do what we ought to and fight tooth and nail. After 1962 also, we’ve given Chinese a bloody nose on a couple of occasions in the same area, though the incidents were local in nature. It is not that the Chinese cannot be defeated. They can be, especially in night warfare where they’re weak. If Vietnam can beat China, so can we. This is not 1962.

Americans have a strong handle which they can use to keep Pakis away----Keep dreaming:sleep:

There is enough bullets to aim and shoot every Chinese soldier... and enough bombs to take out all Chinese tanks.. and enough missiles to take out communication lines ....
Every thing is enough but not eneough food for Jawans and not eneough toilet for the Indians:rofl:
As the world can clearly see from the response that it was the Indian who was itching for the war and not us. We have been very patient with India who had violated border agreement that is recognizable through international law. As a peaceful country, we assure the world that we will not resolve to the use of force unless no other option is available.
In 1962, you did more than this with your "forward policy", and we tolerated you for years, and then turned out who is the paper tiger.. Now it is more in China's favor, since US and Russia are no longer bitter enemies of China, instead, they are strategic partners at least economically. At the same time, the gap of military and economy strength is much much wider (gdp 5:1 and military expenditure 3:1), while in 1962 it was about equal. We can crush you like an ant. But don't worry just now, we won't fire the first bullet, as you are going to send someone to Beijing to beg for peace, and we will give you this chance.

First of all in 1962 we had never projected ourselves as a tiger. We wanted to emerge as a peaceful nation with no military ambition and we used to spend least on military as our idiot prime minister naheru used to think that military is a useless expense. He wanted to have a very good relations with neighbors in good faith. So it is not only china which grabbed our land but much less powerful pakistan also did the same and he stopped the army in both the cases to retaliate with full force and take back the grabbed land. So it is not that china was much more powerful. Now as per your logic, china is much more powerful now. Ok, go atnd get the land where we have stopped you. Till date you have issues 100+ warning without any action. If you have guts, go and get it . who stops you?

Still at warning phase or have we moved to something more interesting?

I thought Indian politicians were experts at giving warning. Xi and his CCP bozos can open warning universities :D
As the world can clearly see from the response that it was the Indian who was itching for the war and not us. We have been very patient with India who had violated border agreement that is recognizable through international law. As a peaceful country, we assure the world that we will not resolve to the use of force unless no other option is available.

Your facts are sorely incorrect. Bhutan has spoken and told the world who is in the wrong here. We have a defense pact with Bhutan and we won't allow their land or disputed land to be taken with BS Chinese tactics. The world is well aware of Chinese ambitions more so , than ever before. So please quit with the rhetoric and BS, and get your damn facts straight. China tried to construct a road in disputed territory with Bhutan. India stepped in due to secret defense agreements we have with Bhutan. Its the only way you dummies would stop road construction.

We have been very patient with your double standards, hidden meanings, and clandestine transfers or weapons, tacit support of terror and terrorism, etc. If you want to bring up international law, please by all means do so. It will only further open up more debate on South China Sea, Tibet, Taiwan, etc.
It is our army's tradition and doctrine to not fire the first bullet, And will not allow the enemy to fire the second bullet. After all, this is just an intrusion at this moment, but still we have got tons of options besides war: we can step to their territory as well, and we can dam the river and cut off the water, and they can not do a shit about it, as we already dam a bunch of rivers, and they can just bark.. This is why we are just watching these clowns jumping up and down, but not using our war machines yet, and they already rush to beg us. Lol

We can cut your crude oil off.
58% of Indian military budget is used for salaries/pensions etc, that's roughly 25 bil$. Assuming Chinese salaries are 2000 US a month(very very high, almost general level pay), 2000 x 12 x 2000000 = 48 bil$. China has another 100 bil$ to spend. That's 4 times your amount, and most of our weapons are made in China, further multiplying the value of the expenditure. You do the math.


In news :lol: not on ground
Diversionary attack are never intended to gain any ground.
So funny when You refused to recognize the truth. I will give you the list of battle from the Sino Vietnam War.
This war happened in 3 major front.
_ Battle of Lang Son: 130000 Chinese against 13000 Vietnamese soldiers, the ratio 10:1 .they eventually captured Lang Son city. Although got heavy damage and couldnt cross too 20km into Vietnamese territories. Vietnamese force leaved the city and Chinese couldnt surround them and destroy and were being counter-attack when they retreated.
- Battle of Cao Bang: Like I said above, 120000-200000 Chinese against 10000-15000 Vietnamese soldiers, the ratio is 10 to 15:1 : Chinese captured Cao Bang, but It is only for symbolic meaning, because It cant become a threat to Vietnamese major city and cant defeat Vietnamese force in there.
- Battle of Lao Cai: 125000 Chinese against 20000 Vietnamese soldiers, the ratio 6:1. Chinese pyrrhic victory.
And 3 lower battle :
- Battle of Dong Dang: Chinese could claim they win in battle but paid an expensive cost.
- Battle of Cam Duong: Same as battle of Lao Cai.
- Battle of Mong Cai. The Vietnamese obviously win.
In all battle in the war, Except In Lang Son, Vietnam had 2 or 3 regular division, in other location it is only militia or the border guard.
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