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Aamir Khan’s Dangal becomes second most viewed film in China

"Monster Hunt" worst movie I have ever seen it's 3rd on most watched list in china
"Monster Hunt" worst movie I have ever seen it's 3rd on most watched list in china
I agree. "Monster Hunt" is totally rubbish. We all know the box office in China can not reflect real quality. There are frauds in statistics.
First time I heard anyone ever talking about this movie.
Must be really popular. Good thing we have "unbiased" "uncensored" "free" foreign media to tell us the "real truth".
Second most viewd?
Lmao. Typical Supa Powan news

It probably mean the second most popular Bollywood film in .
China. But with typical bragging style, India media omit major facts to make it sound like this is second most popular film in Chinese film industry or even second biggest imports. There is no way a Bollywood movie can compete with Hollywood movies in China. For none South Asians, only people into freak shows would watch Bollywood films.
Like i said in another thread- it's just the typical 'Indian cultural arts are superior' propaganda.

Unlike Hollywood, Bollywood cinema style simply cant strike a tune with Sinitic audiences. The excessive dancing is a primero uno example. Dance hide and seek around trees, dance in the middle of a tea plantation, dance on a hospital rooftop, dance on top of a horning train, dance along a staircase- even dreaming also dream of mass dancing. 1 single movie can have 5-6 dance sequences. Zzzzzzzzzzzz~
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Here is what non-PDF Chinese folks are saying about this movie:


(Hint: it has a rating of 9.2 out of 10)
Don't take the scores on douban too serious. People are full of bias there. Lots of people just pretend to be distinctive by showing their different taste from others. That is the reason why I don't think democracy would work in China. Democratic China would be nothing but chaos. Democratic Taiwan is a perfect example.

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Like i said in another thread- it's just the typical 'Indian cultural arts are superior' propaganda.

Unlike Hollywood, Bollywood cinema style simply cant strike a tune with Sinitic audiences. The excessive dancing is a primero uno example. Dance hide and seek around trees, dance in the middle of a tea plantation, dance on a hospital rooftop, dance on top of a horning train, dance along a staircase- even dreaming also dream of mass dancing. 1 single movie can have 5-6 dance sequences. Zzzzzzzzzzzz~
You do realise that we make a lot of serious movies too?
This one is a good example.
I dont appreciate Taiwanese-style democracy. Politicians are known to engage in fist-fights in parliament, live on TV <== lol.

That's the side effect of a free-reigning, chaotic democracy for you.

"When two opposing parties can't come to terms, they settle their arguements................. with their fists" <== lolz

even female politicians also engage in catfights

hilarious, last video basically sum it up. no comment
It's not 2nd most viewed film in china but 2nd most bollywood viewed film in china.
Headline need to be corrected
9000 screens , wow didn't think indian movies would penetrated into china that far .

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