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The US is responsible for fomenting Jihadi culture


Nov 17, 2009
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Illegal creation of state of Israel in 1948 with the help of USA and Britain at the cost of Palestinians sowed the seeds of antagonism and extremism in Middle East. It gave birth to several radical groups including PLO within the Arab world. Defeat of armed forces of Arabs in 1967 Arab-Israeli enhanced the prestige of Israeli forces. Occupation of additional territory of Egypt, Syria and Jordan by Israel and its policy of forward settlement of Jews in occupied lands to extend perimeter of security propelled PLO activists to resort to air piracy. This was a new form of terrorism to combat Israeli oppression and chauvinism. Egyptian forces broke the Israeli myth of invincibility in the 1973 war by breaching the unassailable Barlev Line; Syrian forces too gave a tough fight to Israeli forces. Psychological advantage gained by the Arabs was squandered when Egypt agreed to sign Camp David peace accord with Israel in 1978 and got back its oil rich Sinai Peninsula.

Non-serious attitude of Arab leaders towards the suffering of Palestinians at the hands of Israelis and US unjust support to Israel paved the way for Intifada in early 1980s in which teenaged boys’ pelted stones on Israeli soldiers in occupied territories of West Bank and Gaza. Intifada was deceptively blunted through US facilitated Oslo Accord signed in 1993 which led to creation of PLA in occupied territories. However, disregard of several clauses of the agreement, particularly status of Jerusalem and Aerial Sharon led armed march to Jerusalem’s temple Mount led to second Intifada in September 2000. It sparked suicide attacks by young Palestinians, which were a new phenomenon to bleed Israelis.

Occupation of Lebanon by Israeli forces in early 1980s and their ruthless policies gave birth to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Likewise, persecution of Gazans and PLO not measuring up to Israeli intrusions catapulted Hamas in Gaza. Defeat of Israeli forces at the hands of Hizbollah in Lebanon in 2006 and spirited defence put up by Hamas fighters in Gaza in early 2009 jolted Israel. Cruel sanctions against hapless people of Gaza failed to cow them down. Despite killing tens of thousands of Palestinians and inflicting gruesome atrocities, spirits of Palestinians have not waned since they are on the right. It has bred in them greater unity and steadfastness to fight back Israeli aggression. However, they are utterly disappointed with Obama on whom they had pinned high hopes since he too is following pro-Israeli policies.

Islamic revolution in Iran resulting in toppling of Shah of Iran and takeover by Imam Khomeini in March 1979 had a ripple effect throughout the Islamic world including six Soviet Republic States in Central Asia. Invasion and occupation of Afghanistan by Soviet troops in December 1979 was resisted by Afghan Mujahideen and supported by Pakistan. CIA played a key role in marshalling holy warriors from all over the Muslim world, financing, training and equipping them to wage a Jihad. It provided funds and weapons to religious seminaries in Pakistan to impart military training to the students undergoing religious education and to motivate them to become Jihadis. Religious madrassas in tribal belt in particular became venues for military training as well. For eight years heroics of Mujahideen were generously praised. Besides cash earned from drug trade in Afghanistan, Saudi monetary assistance was also available to fund Jihad and to promote Jihadi culture.

Defeat of Soviet Union was made possible by rag tag Muslim fighters fighting guerrilla warfare after sacrificing 1.5 million lives and suffering crippling injuries to tens of thousands. Shattering defeat and humiliating withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan led to collapse of Soviet Empire within two years. Spectacular victory achieved by the Mujahideen was no mean accomplishment since it helped the US to emerge as the sole super power. They were looked at with great respect and admiration. Fragmentation of Soviet Union gave fillip to Jihadist culture.

Abandonment of Afghanistan instead of rebuilding the war ravaged country and leaving Afghan Mujahideen in a lurch disenchanted them. Mission oriented Jihadism directed against godless Soviets became unruly and resulted in internecine war between various Afghan factions vying for power. Afghans held the Americans responsible for their woes and gradually the ire of Jihadis started to gravitate towards them. They blamed the Americans for using them as gun fodder and then dumping them when their interests were served without paying any compensation for their colossal sacrifices. Russia too didn’t give a single penny in war reparations. This resentment against USA turned into aversion when US forces invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 without a justifiable cause since Afghans had no connection with 9/11. Heroes of yesterday known as Mujahideen were named as Al-Qaeda and Taliban and branded as terrorists. They are being hounded and persecuted with impunity thereby giving a just cause to the oppressed to wage Jihad against the occupation forces.

Iraq venture undertaken on a false pretext over extended the US militarily, financially and diplomatically. It drained the US of its credibility, resources and resolve. It discredited its leadership, degraded its financial health and disabled its political will. Fomenting of sectarianism in Iraq by CIA and Mossad shifted the focus of suicide bombers from Israel towards Iraq where suicide and car bomb attacks became a norm. It further fuelled Jihadi culture in Middle East.

In South Asia, Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of partition in 1947. Indian unyielding stance to resolve the dispute in accordance with UN Resolutions became the bone of contention between India and Pakistan resulting in three wars and two local conflicts. It stoked antagonism and fueled extremism. Fed up of Indian policy of ambivalence and oppression, docile Kashmiris launched armed uprising in November 1989 to break the shackles of slavery. Over seven lacs Indian forces unleashed a reign of terror. Despite massacring more than 100,000 Kashmiris, raping thousands of women, destroying houses, shops and property and imposing inhuman laws they failed to extinguish the liberation movement. Tens of Jihadi groups sprouted in IHK to wage Jihad against occupation forces. Kashmiri Mujahideen are now resorting to unarmed Jihad against Indian soldiers armed to the teeth since India has sealed the Line of Control and divided the APHC.

Passions of Islamists were deliberately inflamed by defaming Islam and displaying caricatures of Holy Prophet (Pbuh) to provoke them to resort to violent means and thus giving the US excuse to dub them as extremists and terrorists deserving no mercy. Islam phobia also gave rise to Jihadi culture. Unresolved Palestinian and Kashmir disputes, Islamic revolution in Iran and occupation of Afghanistan by Soviet troops had direct bearing on rise of extremism and Jihadi culture in Middle East and South Asia.

Pakistan had been converted into a breeding and a training ground for Jihadi forces and a springboard for launching Jihadis into Afghanistan in the 1980s by CIA. After the fall of communism, war on terror was conceived by neo-cons and US arms merchants to find an excuse to steal resources of Muslim world and to keep arms industry running. Having deliberately pushed terrorism into Pakistan, the US and its partners are now vilifying Pakistan for promoting extremism and terrorism. It is being blamed for propping up Jihadi culture whereas in actuality it is USA that had laid the foundation of Jihadi culture within Muslim world and nurtured it. The US is now trying to axe the Frankenstein monster it had created since its creation has become hostile and gone berserk.

Ill-famed Indo-US-Israeli nexus is shamelessly fabricating series of false stories to defame Pakistan which is the biggest victim of terrorism. Story appearing in Jewish controlled London School of Economics about ISI training Taliban with full knowledge of civil government is the latest concoction. Suchlike idiotic stories fuel Jihadi culture.

The writer is a retired Brig and a freelance defence and security analyst.

MTT - Israel - More than 43% of deaths and injuries in Palestine were women and children - The vast majority of casualties were civilians.


MTT - Israel - Symbolic of the traditional tallit or Jewish prayer shawl and including the Star of David - The flag was used from the late 19th century.


Illegal creation of state of Israel in 1948 with the help of USA and Britain at the cost of Palestinians sowed the seeds of antagonism and extremism in Middle East.

Well the PLO was not really a "Jihadi" group. It was a leftist revolutionary organization and secular in outlook and composition with many Arab Christians in its rank as it continued fighting for independence. Yasser Arafat use to use the Arab glory and victory card rather than Muslim or Islam.

It was not until the 80s that so called "Jihadi groups" came into being in Palestine. The first suicide bombings were done by Hizbullah which was founded on Iranian funding after the revolution there. The tactics gleaned from the LTTE. Still it was minuscule until HAMAS in the late 80s with other veterans of the Afghan "Jihad" returned and suicide bombing caused major losses for Israelis in the 80s and 90s under HAMAS, Hizbullah and Al Aqsa brigades.
The 80s again seem to be the focal point here and of course even Hilary accepts that. US along with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were instrumental in popularizing these alien concepts.

The issue now is to right the wrongs. The ideological correction and back to traditional Islam awareness particularly on the population that is gullible to extremists is necessary and remove the wrong conceptions that were created in the 80s.
we all know that ... but why do we beg them for their Dollars when balancing our books ...???
Here is an overview article although old on what I was talking about earlier

Hamas, Son of Israel by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Amid all the howls of pain and gnashing of teeth over the triumph of Hamas in the Palestinian elections, one fact remains relatively obscure, albeit highly relevant: Israel did much to launch Hamas as an effective force in the occupied territories. If ever there was a clear case of “blowback,” then this is it. As Richard Sale pointed out in a piece for UPI:

“Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years. Israel ‘aided Hamas directly – the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),’ said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic [and International] Studies. Israel’s support for Hamas ‘was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,’ said a former senior CIA official.”

Middle East analyst Ray Hanania concurs:

“In addition to hoping to turn the Palestinian masses away from Arafat and the PLO, the Likud leadership believed they could achieve a workable alliance with Islamic, anti-Arafat forces that would also extend Israel’s control over the occupied territories.”

In a conscious effort to undermine the Palestine Liberation Organization and the leadership of Yasser Arafat, in 1978 the government of then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin approved the application of Sheik Ahmad Yassin to start a “humanitarian” organization known as the Islamic Association, or Mujama. The roots of this Islamist group were in the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood, and this was the seed that eventually grew into Hamas – but not before it was amply fertilized and nurtured with Israeli funding and political support.

Begin and his successor, Yitzhak Shamir, launched an effort to undercut the PLO, creating the so-called Village Leagues, composed of local councils of handpicked Palestinians who were willing to collaborate with Israel – and, in return, were put on the Israeli payroll. Sheik Yassin and his followers soon became a force within the Village Leagues. This tactical alliance between Yassin and the Israelis was based on a shared antipathy to the militantly secular and leftist PLO: the Israelis allowed Yassin’s group to publish a newspaper and set up an extensive network of charitable organizations, which collected funds not only from the Israelis but also from Arab states opposed to Arafat.

Ami Isseroff, writing on MideastWeb, shows how the Israelis deliberately promoted the Islamists of the future Hamas by helping them turn the Islamic University of Gaza into a base from which the group recruited activists – and the suicide bombers of tomorrow. As the only higher-education facility in the Gaza strip, and the only such institution open to Palestinians since Anwar Sadat closed Egyptian colleges to them, IUG contained within its grounds the seeds of the future Palestinian state. When a conflict arose over religious issues, however, the Israeli authorities sided with the Islamists against the secularists of the Fatah-PLO mainstream. As Isseroff relates, the Islamists

“Encouraged Israeli authorities to dismiss their opponents in the committee in February of 1981, resulting in subsequent Islamisation of IUG policy and staff (including the obligation on women to wear the hijab and thobe and separate entrances for men and women), and enforced by violence and ostracization of dissenters. Tacit complicity from both university and Israeli authorities allowed Mujama to keep a weapons cache to use against secularists. By the mid 1980s, it was the largest university in occupied territories with 4,500 students, and student elections were won handily by Mujama.”

Again, the motive was to offset Arafat’s influence and divide the Palestinians. In the short term, this may have worked to some extent; in the longer term, however, it backfired badly – as demonstrated by the results of the recent Palestinian election.

The Hamas infrastructure of mosques, clinics, kindergartens, and other educational institutions flourished not only because they were lavishly funded, but also due to being efficiently run. Sheik Yassin and the future leaders of Hamas acquired a reputation for “clean” governance and good administrative practices, which would greatly aid them – especially in comparison to the PLO, which was widely perceived as corrupt. Indeed, “clean government” – and not the necessity of armed struggle – was the main theme of their successful election campaign.

The response of Israel and the U.S. has been shock, horror – and a stated refusal to deal with any government dominated by Hamas. U.S. congressional leaders – who unhelpfully passed a resolution prior to the Palestinian poll that demanded Hamas be banned from running – are now calling the entire “peace process” into question. Yet no one acknowledges that the victory of the Suicide Bombers Party demonstrated, in practice, an ancient principle expressed, I believe, by no less an authority than the Bible (Galatians 6:7):

“Be not deceived. God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

This “blowback” principle applies to Hamas not only insofar as Israel was involved in funding and encouraging Mujama, but also, after the consolidation of Hamas as an armed group, due to Israeli military policy. The much-touted “withdrawal,” which amounts to Israel giving up Gaza while strengthening its hand elsewhere in the occupied territories, has been grist for the radical Islamist mill, as has the Wall of Separation and the attempt to quash the vote in East Jerusalem. Israel’s relentless offensive against its perceived enemies – first Fatah, now Hamas and Islamic Jihad – has created a backlash and solidified support for fundamentalist extremist factions in the Palestinian community.

Likewise, the victory of Hamas will embolden the ultra-Zionists in Israel, who similarly mix a fanatic theology with faith in a military “solution” to the Palestinian “problem.” The electoral victory of Hamas was only a few hours old before Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu went on television explaining why any concessions to the Palestinians – including the Gaza pullback – only served to embolden the most radical elements, such as Hamas.

The stricken Ariel Sharon lies in his hospital bed, unconscious – while his unilateral “land for peace” plan suffers from a very similar condition. Sharon’s newly-formed Kadima Party is the big potential loser in all this, with Netanyahu’s Likud looking to gain bigtime. The irony is that, as defense minister, it was Sharon who helped conceive and oversee the Village Leagues scheme that did so much to implant and empower Hamas. Like some Middle Eastern version of Dr. Frankenstein, he wound up being struck down by his own monstrous creation.

There is a lesson in there, somewhere, though it isn’t one the Israelis or their American sponsors seem capable of learning just yet.

The idea that voting is some kind of panacea that will cleanse the Middle East of a self-defeating radicalism is an illusion that died a painful death with the election victory of Hamas. It had earlier suffered near-fatal convulsions with the ascension to power in Iraq of a Shi’ite fundamentalist coalition closely tied to Iran. The *****-goddess of capital-D Democracy is a fickle and often perversely cruel deity, whose worshippers have been hit with a one-two punch as they seek to transform an entire region according to the canons of their peculiar dogma.


More on Hamas and the “blowback” effect from Robert Dreyfuss, one of my favorite writers, in this podcast interview with the History News Network’s Rick Shenkman.

Maybe this is why the president and his supporters often refer to the “war on terrorism” as if it will go on forever.

David Frum, former presidential speechwriter and National Review’s resident neocon commissar of political correctness, cheers Jacques Chirac’s threat to nuke hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings. Frum’s only worry is that Chirac’s nuclear sabre-rattling won’t be believed. On the other hand, it would be all too believable if the prime minister of Israel – who has his finger hovering over the nuclear button – were to make such an explicit threat. Which puts Iran’s ambition to go nuclear – the real subject of Frum’s outburst – in perspective.
The title of this thread is total flame bait. Jihadi culture is fomented by some Muslims, plain and simple. The USA is not responsible for this cancer in any way.
Should i post a video of your own senator landing on tribal land across in afghanistan on record video...telling those afghanis you are right, your are truthful fight them..perahps you have not viewed the video he clearly tells them for a jihad in the name of God against soviets, this is the mess your government started before that there was no specific jihad but people were fighting suppression not an organized groups capable to kickoff with jihad, yes the only Jihad i can remember of is as a professional "christian Jihadist" were "crusaders" a well document history of christian jihad for a holy land that doesn't even belong to them. Move on this obsession will lead you no where.:tdown:
The title of this thread is total flame bait. Jihadi culture is fomented by some Muslims, plain and simple. The USA is not responsible for this cancer in any way.

Hehehe... :lol:

Who helped and armed Taliban against USSR??? :usflag::pakistan:
Who helped Bin Laden until he became rough??? :usflag:

look at the saint :usflag: they are not responsible for this cancer in any way.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The title of this thread is total flame bait. Jihadi culture is fomented by some Muslims, plain and simple. The USA is not responsible for this cancer in any way.

In Arabic, the word jihad is a noun meaning "struggle."
And whats wrong with that?
What do you mean by this cancer?
Jihad can be in any form physically, internally etc
In Arabic, the word jihad is a noun meaning "struggle."
And whats wrong with that?
What do you mean by this cancer?
Jihad can be in any form physically, internally etc

Saad, don't you think that title needs some amendment?
Most non muslims are illiterate in every way when they talk about Jihad. What is Jihad?
Physically, Jihad is self defence. Internally, Jihad is to fight with your feelings. When the U.S. and Israel have the right to do anything in the name of self defence (Jihad) than for Muslims it is a cancer?
Isn't it an absurd thought?
If the U.S. invades Pakistan than we should not fight back?
Saad, don't you think that title needs some amendment?

Yes, I think that title needs an amendment but the U.S. also promoted this phenomena by giving weapons and money.
Again, the U.S. is not responsible but the U.S. participated by promoting it.
In Arabic, the word jihad is a noun meaning "struggle."
And whats wrong with that?
What do you mean by this cancer?
Jihad can be in any form physically, internally etc

In reality is the part of Pakistan that Pakistan goverment cant control part of Pakistan or is in reality a seperate country.
In reality is the part of Pakistan that Pakistan goverment cant control part of Pakistan or is in reality a seperate country.

Well, I think people often misunderstand the situation of FATA. FATA is Pakistan's part (obviously) but one should not forget the tribal traditions and customs. Tribal people are largely influenced by their own way of living and frankly but fortunately, Pakistan is not prone of 'moral cleansing' as other empires did in the past. We had some problems in tribal regions but now we are overcoming the problems in an effective way. The U.S. was fully aware of tribal customs during Soviet era in Afghanistan.
I am a neutral reader whenever I read history. Religion had to be brought in during Afghan war because without it the will of people to fight could die. Nonetheless, Afghanis fought to defend their land and they are still fighting to defend their land.

American people are largely influenced by their media. So, is it an American dream to believe whatever they listen, eh?
The lawlessness of tribal regions have a solid background. And in my opinion, the root cause of it is the tribal traditions but I am not an expert. However, the best way to solve the crisis is to bring economic reforms along with solid educational system.
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Famous words of Bijansky..On the record.

Bijansky said he called them "Soldiers of God" "to redouble the efforts" than proceeds
"We know of their deep belief in God And We are confident their struggle will succeed" Bijansky "That land over there is yours you go back to it one day because your fight will prevail and you'll have your home and mosques back again because your cause is right and God is on your side".
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