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Afghanistan will never recognise the Durand Line: Hamid Karzai

So you can live in a mess like Afghanistan? ... im pathan as well. Don't think that region should ever go to the northern alliance hazars.

It is a mess because of the failure of successive governments to bring the people of this area in to the mainstream. They have always been neglected and discriminated against. Pushtuns are my brothers and we live side by side with them in our ancestral district, so I have no problem if the Pushtuns of south-eastern Afghanistan are added also.
It is a mess because of the failure of successive governments to bring the people of this area in to the mainstream. They have always been neglected and discriminated against. Pushtuns are my brothers and we live side by side with them in our ancestral district, so I have no problem if the Pushtuns of south-eastern Afghanistan are added also.

I edited my post. I agree...
well thats our problem, we think these small but important things dont matter
these things matters alot, it matters if afghan-pak relations are not good, it matters if india cries about Baluchistan
it matters if people think we are undermining current afghan govt

well we need to milk Afghanistan for our purpose especially economically, which will help eliminate poverty both in pakistan and afghan, instead we have created a diplomatic night mare in our backyard
we have gold mines, a market of 3 crore people which we will ultimately hand over to india, iran and central asian countries. if we continue our current behavior, remember Afghanistan is not geographically land locked, its only economically land locked. if we continue our current behavior, we will loose this market and this what india is counting on

we have failed miserably diplomatically due to our own stupidity

I'm all for trade between Pak-Afghan but don't expect them to accept durrand line. Instead we should make FATA prosperous to the point that Afghanistan and FATA start to look like north and south korea. Bringing FATA in to mainstream and Rs110 billion development budget is step in the right direction.

Then maybe afghanis will ask Kabul leaders wth have you been doing for all this time and then revolt to join Pakistan. :cheesy:
Hamid Karzai is an idiot.

Doesn't he know the Durand line is an international border.

Durand Line is recognised border: US
ANWAR IQBAL — PUBLISHED Sep 11, 2015 06:46am


WASHINGTON: The United States has made it clear that it recognises the Durand Line as an international border.

On Tuesday, two opposing camps in Afghanistan — the ISIS and former Afghan president Hamid Karzai — refused to recognise Durand Line as the permanent border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Both insisted that the border needs to be redefined.

“We don’t have any new policies with respect to the borders of Afghanistan,” said John Kirby, the spokesman for the US Department of State, when asked to comment on their statements.

An Indian reporter raised the issue at the State Department news briefing, asking if the US recognised the Durand Line as the final border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, Mr Kirby said: “It’s the recognised border, and we recognise the borders of Afghanistan.”

The Durand Line is the 1,400 miles long border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, established in 1893 following an agreement between Sir Mortimer Durand, a representative of British India, and Abdur Rahman Khan, the Amir of Afghanistan.

Published in Dawn, September 11th, 2015
Afghanistan need to read what world says and need to realize situation that itself, couldn't rule outside Kabul. The world accept it and that is reality however, can express the same day & night through Media for her friend and promised Money.
Keep the border closes. Let all their import export come from port bombay to Bunder Abbas to Zahedan to Kabul. Let them pay $10 for an egg and for a bread. Have him fly all the 3 million Afg refugess too not just those stuck at the Torkham, Spin boldak, and Chaman borders.
Ah Afghan nationalists, still living in the 1700s. I think they will reach the 1800s by the time the rest of the world is in the year 2200. :D

How far back in History you want to go?
The land you call your land also belonged to Persian empire , Mongols , Alexander the great and many others. Check your Awan geneology, you yourself will be proved to be immigrants.
So why don't you pick up your sorry bottom and go back to whichever central Asian country your Awan race came from?

Dude his post was sarcasm, outlining how silly Afghan nationalists are. Everyone can claim some land in other countries based on the location their ancestors lived in during some point of history. My tribe too as per historians and archaeologists goes back to Northern Pakistan and up into Tajikistan. I sure as hell do not have any right to bitc"h and moan today that Tajikistan has occupied my land. Same argument goes for these loser Afghan nationalists, who lost wars to Marathas, Sikhs, British, and subsequently gave up their rights on these lands via treaties, selling out their brothers to foreign rule. Now they want these lands "back". Get lost is all one can say.
"Iqbal Ali, post: 9269118, member: 182697"]The Durand Line is an international border accepted by the world.

Why is Hamid Karzai crying.[/QUOTE]
India's poodle.

[QUOTE="HAKIKAT, post: 9269275, member: 173449"these scums...[/QUOTE]
There economy is war. Thats how they get their belly's fill. They just cry. Pathetic people. Did not believe i will say these words.
I also don't agree with the Durand line. My people, the ancestors of Awans are the indigenous people of North West Pakistan and South East Afghanistan. I will also never accept the Duran line until we have taken back our land!!

Thanks for admitting you are not Koshur.
Don't do it Mr karzai but world does get life my friend .
Hamid Karzai is another idiot.
Durand line is an international border recognized by the United Nations.
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