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Afghanistan will never recognise the Durand Line: Hamid Karzai

Hamid Karzai is a discredited politician from Afghanistan who remains a mouthpiece for his highest bidder. A few years ago, it was the US, then when his relationship went down with the US over massive corruption charges, he has since become the mouthpiece for our eastern neighbor. If he does not want to accept the Durand Line as it currently exists, we would be happy to oblige him by redrawing it somewhere near Kabul. It would actually do him a favor as his government seems to have no control outside of Kabul to begin with.

It is just amazing that leaders of a country whose day to day survival depends on Pakistan's generosity, never cease any opportunity to bash Pakistan. Just goes to show that they don't give two hoots about their own country.
Amid increasing tensions on the western border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, former Afghan president Hamid Karzai in a tweet on Sunday said Pakistan has "no legal authority to dictate terms on the Durand Line".

Karzai's comment followed Pakistan's decision to close the border between the two states for an indefinite period on February 16 after a recent surge in terrorist attacks across the country.

The border closure has strained Pak-Afghan relations.

Read more: Durand Line status

"While we wish freedom for the people of [the Federally Administered Tribal Areas [Fata] from Frontier Crime Regulation [FCR] and other repressive measures, we remind the Government of Pakistan that Afghanistan hasn't and will not recognize the Durand line," Karzai added in his tweet.

Karzai seemed to echo the sentiment of many of his country's officials, sluch as Ambassador Omar Zakhilwalal, who in a Facebook post on Saturday said Pakistan does not have a valid reason for the continued closure of crossing points on the Pak-Afghan border.

Zakhilwal said the argument presented by Pakistan — that the border closure is intended to stop terrorists from crossing over — does not carry any weight, as “these points such as Torkham and Spin Boldak have been manned by hundreds of military and other security personnel” and have all the necessary equipment and infrastructure in place to prevent such a possibility.

Also read: Durand Line is recognised border: US

"Continuous unreasonable closure of legal Pak-Afghan trade and transit routes cannot have any other explanation except to be aimed at hurting the common Afghan people," the envoy said in his social media post, apparently in breach of diplomatic protocol.

The Durand Line is the a 2640-kilometre-long border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, established in 1893 following an agreement between Sir Mortimer Durand, a representative of British India, and Abdur Rahman Khan, the Amir of Afghanistan.

Afghan national security advisor to meet Indian counterpart
Afghanistan National Security Advisor to President, Mohammad Haneef Atmar, left for India Sunday for a three-day-long official trip to attend the 19th Asian Security Conference titled 'Combating Terrorism: Evolving an Asian Response' being held in New Delhi, a press released issued from Afghanistan Office of National Security Council stated.

Apart from being the keynote speaker at the event, he will also have bilateral meetings with several Indian security and political officials such as his Indian counterpart, Dr Ajit Kumar Doval, the national security advisor to the prime minister of India.

Atmar will discuss counter terrorism measures as well as strategies to expand "political and security ties between two countries", the statement added.

The conference, organised by India's Institute of Defense Studies and Analyses (IDSA), begins on March 6 and concludes March 8.

It is a shame that afghans are stuck on times of prepartirion India, there will no chance that at this time and that they insists on talking about Durand line, he is talking India's language,

It is so sad that Afghan leaders did businesses or lived In Pakiatan, made big businesses in Pakistan, earned big money in Pakoatan, when immigrating to foriegn countries use Pakiatani passports, but still insult Pakistan and sit in the lap of India.

Afghans have to understand that it is 2017 and Pakiatan will never give up any inch of its land to any one. So if Afghan leaders want to take the route of trying to claim Land that is Pakistan than there is no chance, and if keep following Indian way of interacting with Pakiatan than there will be no opening of the border and nor supplies of food, materials and transportations of access to Arabian Sea.
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Isn't it frustrating that Pakistani government, media and establishment missing out stating A critical fact - "neither Ashraf Ghani nor Hamid Karzai represent Afghan people". Their opinion of Afghan position as a nation and actions are invalid".

Once Pakistan emphasize this critical fact, taking action against illegal indian stooges in Kabul become more easy.
I heard youtube is banned in Pakistan, so try the dailymotion link.

You don't know whether Youtube is open or not in Pakistan but know what Pakistan did 40 or 50 years in wars.

Take a hike bharati. Spend rest of your miserable life watching youtube videos while Pakistan forces you to drama of sur ji kal strikes on ground and in reality.
You don't know whether Youtube is open or not in Pakistan but know what Pakistan did 40 or 50 years in wars.

Take a hike bharati. Spend rest of your miserable life watching youtube videos while Pakistan forces you to drama of sur ji kal strikes on ground and in reality.

and you guyd didn't. thats the problem. yours.
Since when Afghan like to live under foreign occupation? Let the forces go HK will be history and no one will remember u even in history cuz HK is nothing more than foreign agents. PAK cud occupy alot of afghan land when afghan had a civil war but stayed in our boundaries. So sud u.
Who gives a ****? btw while you are at it please focus on trying to get Afghanistan recognized as a sovereign state.

Amid increasing tensions on the western border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, former Afghan president Hamid Karzai in a tweet on Sunday said Pakistan has "no legal authority to dictate terms on the Durand Line".

Karzai's comment followed Pakistan's decision to close the border between the two states for an indefinite period on February 16 after a recent surge in terrorist attacks across the country.

The border closure has strained Pak-Afghan relations.

Read more: Durand Line status

"While we wish freedom for the people of [the Federally Administered Tribal Areas [Fata] from Frontier Crime Regulation [FCR] and other repressive measures, we remind the Government of Pakistan that Afghanistan hasn't and will not recognize the Durand line," Karzai added in his tweet.

Karzai seemed to echo the sentiment of many of his country's officials, such as Ambassador Omar Zakhilwalal, who in a Facebook post on Saturday said Pakistan does not have a valid reason for the continued closure of crossing points on the Pak-Afghan border.

Zakhilwal said the argument presented by Pakistan — that the border closure is intended to stop terrorists from crossing over — does not carry any weight, as “these points such as Torkham and Spin Boldak have been manned by hundreds of military and other security personnel” and have all the necessary equipment and infrastructure in place to prevent such a possibility.

Also read: Durand Line is recognised border: US

"Continuous unreasonable closure of legal Pak-Afghan trade and transit routes cannot have any other explanation except to be aimed at hurting the common Afghan people," the envoy said in his social media post, apparently in breach of diplomatic protocol.

The Durand Line is the a 2640-kilometre-long border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, established in 1893 following an agreement between Sir Mortimer Durand, a representative of British India, and Abdur Rahman Khan, the Amir of Afghanistan.

Afghan national security advisor to meet Indian counterpart
Afghanistan National Security Advisor to President, Mohammad Haneef Atmar, left for India Sunday for a three-day-long official trip to attend the 19th Asian Security Conference titled 'Combating Terrorism: Evolving an Asian Response' being held in New Delhi, a press released issued from Afghanistan Office of National Security Council stated.

Apart from being the keynote speaker at the event, he will also have bilateral meetings with several Indian security and political officials such as his Indian counterpart, Dr Ajit Kumar Doval, the national security advisor to the prime minister of India.

Atmar will discuss counter terrorism measures as well as strategies to expand "political and security ties between two countries", the statement added.

The conference, organised by India's Institute of Defense Studies and Analyses (IDSA), begins on March 6 and concludes March 8.
LOL these Afghans have been smoking some real good opium. Afghans can't secure their country and are worried about the Durand line. Come and get it Afghans because we are about to take entire Afghanistan.
be careful what you boast about! you are making your military real nervous. When it comes to real wars they have a bad history!

I heard youtube is banned in Pakistan, so try the dailymotion link. Najam Sethi (same guy who made Pakistan proud today by conducting the PSL final in Lahore) says quite clearly what you are capable of or not.

Lol this is called different opening. Freedom of expression.
Indian R&AW killed OM puri cuz they cudnt swollow the truth.
And we don't care about lie cuz some people don't represent majority in Pak.
this is a good thing for future....

it justifies formation of a buffer zone in future... we can even annex wakhan and claim it as our own...

its nearly unconceivable that afghans can generate a force to annex part of Pakistan at least for next century or so.... so yeah fine by us....
be careful what you boast about! you are making your military real nervous. When it comes to real wars they have a bad history!

I heard youtube is banned in Pakistan, so try the dailymotion link. Najam Sethi (same guy who made Pakistan proud today by conducting the PSL final in Lahore) says quite clearly what you are capable of or not.

youtube is banned in pakistan looks like you people still using internet explorer and najam sethi same person who has been accussed in many cases and cases are still runing in court yeah nice try try harder next time
now 1947-48 war pakistan won prove gilgit baltistan what you call(P O K)
1965 you came in pakistan we defence our selfs then push you idiot back and won evidence lies told by your army https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/fail...-their-own-aircraft-stated-as-paf-f-6.448372/ despite having a ratio of 1:3 1971 war what land have you captured ?? east pakistan is bangladesh still not part of india 1999 kargil we won prove loc signed by your leaders in 2003 on kargil control area by pakistan
and alsohttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjs-_j5kcDSAhXDcRQKHSU3AIgQFggyMAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.independent.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fworld%2Fworld-most-ignorant-countries-index-ipsos-mori-poll-survey-a7481196.html&usg=AFQjCNGludpYoiWKULosj5Nwnt2azNvRtg&sig2=83l-EeVsRpuQJvjtEQuLWw your stupidity have no limits
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