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China's Picturesque Tibet Autonomous Region: News & Images

World's highest ring road completed in Tibet

2017-01-04 14:46

chinadaily.com.cn Editor: Feng Shuang

Stretching nearly 100 kilometers, the six-lane, two-way road will include seven tunnels and 27 overpasses. It will cross over the Qinghai-Tibet railway, the world's highest rail system, and will be connected with roads linking Lhasa with Nyingchi, Xigaze and Nagqu areas in the region.:enjoy:


An illustration of the newly built ring road in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet autonomous region. (Photo/CCTV)

After the world's highest rail route, Qinghai-Tibet Railway, opened in 2006, the world's highest ring road has been recently completed in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet autonomous region, reported China News Service on Tuesday.

With a total length of close to 100 kilometers, the beltway has two-way six lanes. The new road will greatly ease traffic jam and expand the development capacity of the city, said Lin Sheng, the deputy mayor of Lhasa.

The ring road has a speed limit of 60 km/hour because of the high altitude – Lhasa is located at more than 3,600 meters above the sea level. After its completion, it will take less than two hours to make a round trip of the city.

The road is expected to open in June.


An illustration of the newly built ring road in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet autonomous region. (Photo/CCTV)


An illustration of the newly built ring road in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet autonomous region. (Photo/CCTV)


An illustration of the newly built ring road in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet autonomous region. (Photo/CCTV)


The Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) or Xizang Autonomous Region is very fortunate to have these kinds of infrastructures, many of the highest qualities in the world, in particular when putting its very challenging geographical location and surrounding natures into perspective.

Many of these facilities can hardly be replicated by any other Himalayan states. This kind of development will simply ensure the auspicious life of the people in that plateau.
Good luck to them! Tashi delek :cheers:

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Tibetan singer 阿兰·达瓦卓玛 (Alan Dawa Dolma) singing " Tibetan plateau" in Chinese in Japan

阿兰·达瓦卓玛 (Alan Dawa Dolma)




Tibet meddlers must face consequences
By Xu Liang Source:Global Times Published: 2017/2/9

On February 2, the University of California San Diego (UCSD) announced that it has invited the 14th Dalai Lama to address the graduating students at commencement in June. The announcement, however, triggered anger from Chinese mainland students at the university.

By calling the Dalai Lama "the exiled spiritual head and leader of the Tibetan people" and "a man of peace," the UCSD has shown admiration for the Buddhist monk. What is laughable is that the person behind the infamous invitation was campus Chancellor Pradeep Khosla, an Indian American. The campus website posted a photo of Khosla who met the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India, last October. This shows how some Indian Americans agitate China-India and China-US relations.

Khosla is imposing his views of the Dalai Lama on the student population at the university and using such an important occasion as commencement to promote someone who has nothing to do with education.

But he is not the first and the only person to take such action. In recent years, as Indian authorities gradually offset the support for the Dalai Lama, some public organizations supporting the Buddhist monk have become more active. In 2008, many Indians and Westerners in Nepal held demonstrations in Kathmandu against the Beijing Olympic torch relay.

Some Indians in European countries have also tried to lobby local officials for more opportunities for the Dalai Lama to speak to an international audience. With a clear knowledge of the Chinese government's stance toward the issue, these Indians overseas are deliberately opposing China.

Despite the geographic intimacy between China and India, some overseas Indians fail to have a well-informed view of the history of Tibet and ignore the mainstream public opinion. They not only tarnish the image of the countries where they stay, but also offend the Chinese people who are firm to safeguard the unity of their country.

These overseas Indians do not have a clear sense of how international politics function. They cannot feel the hurt that a divided country brings to its people.

Since modern times, the Indians have enjoyed unity bestowed by the British. They ramified Pakistan, annexed Sikkim, and exploited geopolitical interests from ethnic divisions in Sri Lanka and Nepal. If the Indians indulge in the obsession of intruding on the territorial integrity of China, China will not sit still.

India is a big country in terms of public diplomacy, but if some overseas Indians make it their business to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and treading on their sovereignty, they will bear the political consequences.

The invitation was announced right after Rex Tillerson was sworn in as the US secretary of state. It may serve to bring public attention to the Buddhist monk in exile. If Donald Trump's administration wants to alter the consensus reached between China and the US after the end of WWII over Tibet, they will thoroughly embarrass themselves.

The author is Executive Director of the Indian Studies Center from Beijing International Studies University. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn Follow us on Twitter at @GTopinion
Wow! Although this post is an opinion piece, the language is quite strong.


Don't mess with an angry Panda.
It will do you no good. :-)
Tibet set to receive 25 million tourists this year
By Palden Nyima and Daqiong in Lhasa | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-02-22


Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet. [Photo/Xinhua]

More than 25 million tourists are expected in the Tibet region this year, its tourism authority announced on Wednesday.

The visitors are expected to generate more than 37 billion yuan ($5.38 billion) in revenue, according to the Tibet tourism development commission.

It is estimated that Tibet's tourism industry will lift 30,000 people out of poverty this year.

Last year, the region received more than 23 million domestic and overseas tourists, up 14.8 percent year-on-year. Total tourism revenue hit more than 33 billion yuan, an increase of 17.3 percent year-on-year.
25 million :smitten:
TWENTY FIVE MILLION VISITORS, a number that many tourism-hungry destinations will be jealously dreaming of.

How many notable tourism-eyeing destinations, even nation-wide, are desperately working on attracting tourists just to achieve the 10 million benchmark? Lucky Tibetan Plateau having the first class infrastructure, excellent transportations and being bestowed with the Himalayan beauties to make such outstanding figure possible.

Have been there, a magnificent highland, the Roof of the World, tough to adjust for lowlander lungs like mine :-) hopefully I can return there one more time within this earth time.
TWENTY FIVE MILLION VISITORS, a number that many tourism-hungry destinations will be jealously dreaming of.

How many notable tourism-eyeing destinations, even nation-wide, are desperately working on attracting tourists just to achieve the 10 million benchmark? Lucky Tibetan Plateau having the first class infrastructure, excellent transportations and being bestowed with the Himalayan beauties to make such outstanding figure possible.

Have been there, a magnificent highland, the Roof of the World, tough to adjust for lowlander lungs like mine :-) hopefully I can return there one more time within this earth time.

Indeed, even many nations would dream of such numbers. The rise in figures is a direct outcome of China's efforts to develop western regions.

Xinjiang region , on the other hand, is being transformed into a trade hub.

Nothing is accidental or haphazard.
TWENTY FIVE MILLION VISITORS, a number that many tourism-hungry destinations will be jealously dreaming of.

How many notable tourism-eyeing destinations, even nation-wide, are desperately working on attracting tourists just to achieve the 10 million benchmark? Lucky Tibetan Plateau having the first class infrastructure, excellent transportations and being bestowed with the Himalayan beauties to make such outstanding figure possible.

Have been there, a magnificent highland, the Roof of the World, tough to adjust for lowlander lungs like mine :-) hopefully I can return there one more time within this earth time.

Rich guy you are! Tibet route is one of the most expensive tour destinations in China.
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