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Afghanistan: Taliban won't talk because it is winning

I guess You prefer Pakistan to dictate to them.
Personally, I am happy with a free and democratic election.
Europe has tried rule by mafiosos, so we are perfectly placed to reject
a Taliban takeover.
Hahahahaha, Afghan Taliban takeover is about to happen. :pop:
Just sit back and relax and enjoy the show.

Just wait for the invaders to leave. :lol:
I guess You prefer Pakistan to dictate to them.
Personally, I am happy with a free and democratic election.
Europe has tried rule by mafiosos, so we are perfectly placed to reject
a Taliban takeover.
Your guess is just as wrong as US false pretext of wmds in Iraq.

Like I said who the hell are you to Reject of accept what's in for Afghanistan?
If they like it that way their will live with it. You have 0 right and credibility to act an an international police. By you I mean NATO
That is easy, just start with the leaders.

Baitullah Mehsud Abdullah Mehsud.

Both Taliban, then TTP.

You are avoiding the question, because You know I am right.
he was never a "leader", more like a platoon commander who went rogue even after mullah Omar openly ordered him to stop fighting against Pakistan and to help him in afghanistan instead. mehsud's response was in the negative. and you know that is right because it was all over the news and the u.s. state department even raised eye brows over this and tried to make it look like the Pakistanis are protecting the afghan taliban so mullah Omar is just returning the favor. This is an undeniable fact.
Your guess is just as wrong as US false pretext of wmds in Iraq.

Like I said who the hell are you to Reject of accept what's in for Afghanistan?
If they like it that way their will live with it. You have 0 right and credibility to act an an international police. By you I mean NATO

NATO as nothing to do with this thread, and I don't even live in a NATO country.
Better luck, thinking out the next response.

he was never a "leader", more like a platoon commander who went rogue even after mullah Omar openly ordered him to stop fighting against Pakistan and to help him in afghanistan instead. mehsud's response was in the negative. and you know that is right because it was all over the news and the u.s. state department even raised eye brows over this and tried to make it look like the Pakistanis are protecting the afghan taliban so mullah Omar is just returning the favor. This is an undeniable fact.

If he never was a Taliban, how come Mullah Omar had any authority to give him any orders?

You've been reported!

Just a friendly way to remind of forum rules, and a helping link if a serious problem is the cause.

"Spam is considered to be repetitive posting of the same text again and again"
NATO as nothing to do with this thread, and I don't even live in a NATO country.
Better luck, thinking out the next response.

If he never was a Taliban, how come Mullah Omar had any authority to give him any orders?

Just a friendly way to remind of forum rules, and a helping link if a serious problem is the cause.

"Spam is considered to be repetitive posting of the same text again and again"
read my post again, a low level platoon commander is not a high leader in any organization.
read my post again, a low level platoon commander is not a high leader in any organization.
His rank is of no importance if the goal is to show that some TTP members have formerly
been Talibans reporting to Mullah Omar.
His rank is of no importance if the goal is to show that some TTP members have formerly
been Talibans reporting to Mullah Omar.

rank defines everything, there is a big difference between a general and a foot soldier even though both belong to the same army.
rank defines everything, there is a big difference between a general and a foot soldier even though both belong to the same army.
If Pakistan trains 1000 Taliban foot soldiers, and then they change allegiance to TTP,
then that is important.
If the 1000 foot soldiers join Afghan Talibans to attack ANA, and receive
replacement assault rifles, ammunition and explosives from Pakistan, that is important.
If they then join TTP forces to attack innocent Pakistanis, then it is really important.
Restart reading the thread, if You don't follow the logic.
Americans are terrorists who destroyed peace of the world. India and israel and iran are other terrorists countries
Aren't we just sick and tired of this BS?

Pakistan needs to immediately distance itself from any reconciliation or mediation between anyone. We can't mediate or facilitate anything. Let the Afghans and their American allies figure this out. Pakistan has suffered enough. We are still recovering from the Lahore and Peshawar attacks which was orchestrated in Afghanistan. They want us to mediate whilst they keep backstabbing our nation and massacring our children in cold blood. Not going to happen. Besides, no one can win in opiumland. It is a lost cause. Today, ISIS is finding foothold in Afghanistan. That is a whole new challenge. It is nothing, but messy and enormously complicated. Better to stay out or we'll burn.
Why were you so excited when Pak-China-Russia had a talk on Afghan then?
If Pakistan trains 1000 Taliban foot soldiers, and then they change allegiance to TTP,
then that is important.
If the 1000 foot soldiers join Afghan Talibans to attack ANA, and receive
replacement assault rifles, ammunition and explosives from Pakistan, that is important.
If they then join TTP forces to attack innocent Pakistanis, then it is really important.
Restart reading the thread, if You don't follow the logic.
Yeah so stop right there. The fact that you're still under this ill conceived and misconceived notion that Pakistan somehow trains the taliban foot soldiers right there throws your credibility out the window. The ground reality is that they neither need training or arms from us or anyone for that matter. They have 30 years worth of experience fighting the soviets, themselves and now the americans; they are more than capable of training and arming themselves. Heck, they can probably give us some training!
Yeah so stop right there. The fact that you're still under this ill conceived and misconceived notion that Pakistan somehow trains the taliban foot soldiers right there throws your credibility out the window. The ground reality is that they neither need training or arms from us or anyone for that matter. They have 30 years worth of experience fighting the soviets, themselves and now the americans; they are more than capable of training and arming themselves. Heck, they can probably give us some training!

That is what is claimed in

As I said, ill conceived and misconceived notions. After dozens of academic articles and books on Iraqi "WMDs" (and we all know how that turned out) only a complete ignoramus would believe this crap. Prescriptions are rarely reality.

And You expect that it is believable that the Taliban appeared without someone backing them
with funding and training.
Plenty of people here on PDF that brag about Pakistans support to the Taliban.
And You expect that it is believable that the Taliban appeared without someone backing them
with funding and training.
Plenty of people here on PDF that brag about Pakistans support to the Taliban.
I'm one of those who says that we support the taliban. what you fail to understand is the nature of support. Our support for them is limited to the extent of understanding their point of view that they are against drugs and crime and make a concerted effort instill justice in their society (albeit it could've been better but never the less was a billion % better than what was their before), they never instigated 911 and that they were correct in demanding proof that obl did 911 prior to handing him over, something that the u.s. still hasn't provided to this very day. Let's face it, they enjoy the support of the masses in afghanistan for a reason; they hold the moral higher ground as far as the people (especially the deeply conservative ones which is most of afghanistan) is concerned.

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