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Pakistan Air Force Transport

Russia To Possibly Refurbish Pakistan Air Force's Ilyush IL-78 Tanker

A photo of a Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Ilyushin IL-78 in-flight re-fueling tanker at the 360th Aircraft Repair Plant in Ryazan city most likely indicates that Russia would be refurbishing the PAF’s IL-78 four-engine tanker.

In a post written by a Russian aviation observer, the 360th Aircraft Repair Plant will begin refurbishing the IL-78s in May, and will complete the process by December 2017, Quwa reported Monday.

The PAF procured its four IL-78s from Ukrainian surplus stocks in the mid-to-late 2000s. The first IL-78 was delivered to the PAF in December 2009.

Equipped with UPAZ re-fueling pods, the PAF has used the IL-78 to support its Mirage Retrofit Strike Element (ROSE) squadrons as well as undertake heavy-lift transport tasks.

The PAF sought refuelling aircraft to extend the endurance and range of its light-weight fighter aircraft. The PAF likely preferred a tanker capable of both boom and hose-and-drogue refuelling (to support the F-16 as well as Mirage ROSE and JF-17), it was unable to secure an affordable platform to fulfill the role.

Although the IL-78s were bought cheaply, questions have been posed to the platform’s efficiency (in light of its noise and fuel-consumption issues). Refurbishment in Russia will see the PAF’s IL-78s benefit from various airframe and engine repairs.

Interestingly, this is the first transaction between Russia and Pakistan that supports, albeit modestly, the latter’s conventional military capabilities.

To the PAF, the IL-78s are tankers first and foremost, and are poised to be more prominent with the introduction of in-flight refuelling capable JF-17 Block-II fighters rolling out from Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) Kamra.
No 10 Sqn.jpg

Need info on new C130 No 21 sqn ???
No 4 AWACS and No 13 AWACS sqn
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View attachment 373747

Need info on new C130 No 21 sqn ???
No 4 AWACS and No 13 AWACS sqn

No 4 is the ZDK03 sqdn, raised at Masroor but now might have moved to Mushaf.
No13 is the Erieye Sqdn also raised at Kamra but might have moved to Mushaf.
I'm not aware raising of a new C130 sqdn.
This is my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong.
No 4 is the ZDK03 sqdn, raised at Masroor but now might have moved to Mushaf.
No13 is the Erieye Sqdn also raised at Kamra but might have moved to Mushaf.
I'm not aware raising of a new C130 sqdn.
This is my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong.

I am looking for Sqn insignia/badges etc , no 21 was raised 4/5 years ago after last 6 c130 were acquired from USA

so now you have from 1-27 all sqn (3 sqn being TCS with no number) plus no 41 total 28 sqns plus heli sqns 7/8 of them in th af
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That is what surprised me---why did they not ask for something else for those funds---put them in a spot---.

But the problem is that we have Paf managers who are IDIOTS WITH EGOS---. Their ego got hurt---they could not think straight.
The deal fell because USA was not ready to finance (pay a portion of the fighters price), I don't think there was any money available on the table for Pakistan to ask something else. Please correct me if I am missing something.
The deal fell because USA was not ready to finance (pay a portion of the fighters price), I don't think there was any money available on the table for Pakistan to ask something else. Please correct me if I am missing something.


The X amount of dollars were there---for which the U S made the offer to Paf to go for the F16's---.

The U S changed their stance later on---the funds did not go anywhere ---just got wasted---because Paf waited till the last that the decision would change---and the time ran out.
Contrary to popular belief, No. 13 Sqd does not exist. Saab-2000 AEW equips actually No. 3 Sqd. Following are the squadron crests taken from History of PAF (1999-2013).

I am looking for Sqn insignia/badges etc , no 21 was raised 4/5 years ago after last 6 c130 were acquired from USA

so now you have from 1-27 all sqn (3 sqn being TCS with no number) plus no 41 total 28 sqns plus heli sqns 7/8 of them in th af


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Contrary to popular belief, No. 13 Sqd does not exist. Saab-2000 AEW equips actually No. 3 Sqd. Following are the squadron crests taken from History of PAF (1999-2013).


Per 2008 paf history transport conversion school started with no 3 but the no was dropped

No 4 is k3 awacs Sqn and no 13 Saab 2k awacs Sqn I had seen some or posted crest in the forum ??

Not sure what is no 3 awacs Sqn?
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Lockheed Martin rolls out first civil LM-100J airlifter


As well as reducing the procurement cost (Lockheed Martin has previously given a unit cost of about USD60 million and USD70 million for an LM-130J, compared to approximately USD100 million for a C-130J), this reduces weight and fuel costs, as well as maintenance and sustainment costs. As such, the company sees a particular application with the militaries of some of the less developed parts of the world, such as Latin America, Africa, and parts of Asia.
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