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Does India have a history of 10000 years?


Jul 7, 2016
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Yup ! We do , not only Us but Pakistanis too :D

Intriguing isn't it :wacko: but a slight correction deserves your attention . India have a history of 4.534 billion years ,with an error range of almost 50 million years. just like the west Indies :woot:

I don't think it will be offensive but still :

Abrahmic Religions history start with God who created Adam and Eve . So Human History began with them .
If yes
Then 10,000 years of our history isn't a big deal :rolleyes:
Bhagvan Rama lived on this planet millions of years ago and first life appeared 2 billion years approximately on Earth and at the same Time Dhruv became Pole Star :enjoy:

Well Human civilization in India and Pakistan date back to 7500 BCE and that is roughly 9500 or 10,000 years :P
Yup ! We do , not only Us but Pakistanis too :D

I don't think it will be offensive but still :

Abrahmic Religions history start with God who created Adam and Eve . So Human History began with them .
If yes
Then 10,000 years of our history isn't a big deal :rolleyes:
Bhagvan Rama lived on this planet millions of years ago and first life appeared 2 billion years approximately on Earth and at the same Time Dhruv became Pole Star :enjoy:
Pandit , don't vent it out at a particular religion. The scientists said so :mad: :P
Just like america is not US only. the same way the whole subcontinent and SAARC region(excluding afghanistan) was called india in the past due to indian ocean. but their was no indian country. The subcontinent was always divided into dozens of small countries ruled by dozens of small maharajas or kings. Most parts of subcontinent united only after all maharajas(mostly) were defeated by muslim invaders. even then there was no india as still many small states existed and the invaders name it hind. there was never any india until british came.
The country known as India has been around since 1947.

Nope !

Republic of India existed after 1947 more like 1950 , before that :

Mauryan India
Hindustan or Mughal India
Akhand Bharat
British India


Worlds existed much before Nation States came into existence .
People make Nations
Boundaries make Countries

Yup ! We do , not only Us but Pakistanis too :D

I don't think it will be offensive but still :

Abrahmic Religions history start with God who created Adam and Eve . So Human History began with them .
If yes
Then 10,000 years of our history isn't a big deal :rolleyes:
Bhagvan Rama lived on this planet millions of years ago and first life appeared 2 billion years approximately on Earth and at the same Time Dhruv became Pole Star :enjoy:

Well Human civilization in India and Pakistan date back to 7500 BCE and that is roughly 9500 or 10,000 years :P
According to Islamic teachings before first human adam JINNS used to live here for millions of years.
but subcontinent civilization is the oldest known without any doubt.
Yup ! We do , not only Us but Pakistanis too :D

I don't think it will be offensive but still :

Abrahmic Religions history start with God who created Adam and Eve . So Human History began with them .
If yes
Then 10,000 years of our history isn't a big deal :rolleyes:
Bhagvan Rama lived on this planet millions of years ago and first life appeared 2 billion years approximately on Earth and at the same Time Dhruv became Pole Star :enjoy:

Well Human civilization in India and Pakistan date back to 7500 BCE and that is roughly 9500 or 10,000 years :P

History starts either verifiable written recording dated back to the time of writing. When was India's first written recording of History and that the evidence is recorded within the life time after the actual event. Otherwise, they are pre-history or legends.
History starts either verifiable written recording dated back to the time of writing. When was India's first written recording of History and that the evidence is recorded within the life time after the actual event. Otherwise, they are pre-history or legends.

Pre Indus 7500-3300 ( Archaeological Evidence )
Indus Valley Civilization 3300-1900 ( Archaeological Evidence )
Aryans 1900-1000 ( No Archaeological Evidence , just corrupt understanding of Vedas by European Scholars )
Iron Age 1000-500 ( Archaeological Evidence )

From 500 BCE onward we have written proofs .
Pre Indus 7500-3300 ( Archaeological Evidence )
Indus Valley Civilization 3300-1900 ( Archaeological Evidence )
Aryans 1900-1000 ( No Archaeological Evidence , just corrupt understanding of Vedas by European Scholars )
Iron Age 1000-500 ( Archaeological Evidence )

From 500 BCE onward we have written proofs .

So Indian history starts at 2500 years ago. Prior to that, it's prehistory. It doesn't mean that nothing existed. But there were no records of what happened and everything a conjecture. The Egyptians had written records dated back to 3000 BC. The Persians, Babylonians, Jews, Chinese, and maybe even Greeks had written history prior to the Indians.

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