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Racial Map of South Asia

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Oct 9, 2016
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hey guys, after visiting almost every Indian state multiple times and Studying Anthropology from very trusted and professional Sources i have created Racial Map of South Asia.

in this map i have divided South Asia in to two different Races. 1) Caucasoid and 2) non Caucasoid aka Dravidian,Munda,Austroloids etc etc.

for better understanding.

West Pakis are Irano Afghans while punjabis,sindhis are Indo-Aryan people.

so Irano Afghans, North Indid and gracile Indid (and some I/B with strong NI and GI Influence) are considered Caucasoid while rest are non Caucasoid along with Aadivais,Munda,Tribals,Austroloids etc etc.
for data of pakistan, my Pakistani friend Imran khan from Islamabad helped me in my Research

so here we go.

Map #1,

This map shows where Caucasoid are Majority. or regions where people with Caucasoid features are Majority.

West Pakistan, East Pakistan, North India are the main homeland of "Aryans" even today.

Map #2,


in this detailed map i have marked percentage of people who have Caucasoid features or are part of "Caucasoid" Race.

KPK, Northern Punjab and Kashmirs have largest no of Caucasoid people in whole subcontinent. to me they all look same and have same indenticle culture. maybe because people of those regions have same Ancestors.

Himchalis, Jammuwalas, Ukwalas and Balouchis (Iranic, i know)are also Pale skinned but due Migrations, now Caucasoids are low in number. but they are almost same to former group. Pale to Light brown skin, tall, warlike people.

Southern Punjabis/Multanis, Kutcchis, Northan Rajastanis, Northan Saurastrians and Sindhis also have large no of Caucasoid people because of sea ports and it's ancient heritage of IVC. large no of these people have leventine, Arabic,Persian and Aryan blood in their veins. because of historical events and their's strategic location.

Rest of North India have minimum no of Caucosiod people reging from

40% in Nepal(pahari) Gujarat (above resions but those people live in historic and coastal areas) MP (very important Region of Vedic Aryans and center of Hindu learning in classical Times) to

25% in UP,Bihar (large no of people are Aadivais,Tribals,munda and mixed) Rajasthan and North+South Gujarat (Bhillistan and Tribals)

35% in Maharastra and konkan coast which is home of lighest vedic peole and arabs-persian-ntive mix.(only in port cities and maratha capitals)

jarkhand,and bengal are barely 15% because large no of people are heavily mixed with tribals (even some Brahmins and Rajputs !)

1% to 5% in south India for the people who are carrying Kshatriya Brahmin and muslim linege. i have no seen any full Caucasoid looking person in south india tho.

please share your views.

Edit : Thank you for positive Rating @Kaptaan :)
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My Reserch :

and Map of Light skinned/Caucasoid people in South Asia by anthropologists. :

@WebMaster @Horus @waz @Kaptaan @save_ghenda and @DESERT FIGHTER
@Joe Shearer @Water Car Engineer @others...

please, this is not an AIT Thread, AMT is well known fact and large no of Greeks ,Kushan ,Muslims ,Persians ,Turkik,Huns, Sakas are also non Aryan groups who migrated to South Asia in Ancient times.

in my studies i notied to things.

1) Pakistan is majority of Caucasoid Nation (Iranic and Indic) and we can say that its an Homogeneous nation.(Genetically) while India is Mixed nation where people of Upper castes and Middle castes have Preserved blood of Vedic Indo-Aryans and Scythins+(Huns).

FYI,according to some studies, Punjab region have 3% to 15% Greek Blood

2) people of North west Subcontinent are homeland of Caucasoid south Asians (Map #1) whiel in other regions only upper caste peole have genetic similarity with North West South Asians.
Interesting thread.
Finally, we can say that,

North-Indians & Pakistanis: united by race,separated by religions & politics.

(north india = Pinjab, jK, Haryana,Himachal, uk, western Rajasthan and north west Kutch and Saurastra ) + Upper Castes of BIMARU.

these people look same. only difference is Pakistanis look more Robust (and slightly West Asian shifted) compared to North Indian Racial Groups who are mainly of Aryan,Kushan and saka stock.
Purest Example of Caucasoid Irano-Afghans :




Purest Example of Indo Aryans :





(Himachal, India)

also, Purest non Caucasoid of south Asia :

Jarva Aadivais of Andaman Islands of India.
@Vishvamitra you need to tag Mr MENA aka @Al-Andalus and show him KSA is similar to South India !

And frankly the map and figures you show are well observable - bar of course the odd deviations or exceptions but we all know what the mean average is for each region. I see that in UK as we have people from all over South Asia. I can with reasonable accuracy predict where they are from, bar the odd exceptions. For example a Tamil or Bangla can be detected at 1000 metre range, Sikhs are more difficult unless they are wearing turbans. Even in Pakistan there is west/east divide and north/south divide. Again exception notwithstanding and relying on mean averages.

And if you prepared that map you deserved + rating although I would need you to cite your sources for the hard data.
I've met many North Indians; I dont really see the resemblance; there are only some that look really close.
maybe because your Irano Afghan/Indo-Aryan mix ? because as i said earlier. Kashmiris,Punjbais,himachalis are almost same to northan pakistanis but less Robust compared to Afghans and mixed race. :)
@Vishvamitra you need to tag Mr MENA aka @Al-Andalus and show him KSA is similar to South India !

And frankly the map and figures you show are well observable - bar of course the odd deviations or exceptions but we all know what the mean average is for each region. I see that in UK as we have people from all over South Asia. I can with reasonable accuracy predict where they are from, bar the odd exceptions. For example a Tamil or Bangla can be detected at 1000 metre range, Sikhs are more difficult unless they are wearing turbans. Even in Pakistan there is west/east divide and north/south divide. Again exception notwithstanding and relying on mean averages.
thank you. :)

i know pakistan is also divided in East and West that's why i pointed out earlier that i am lumping all Irano-Afghans and Indo-Aryans as Caucasoid. by the way, do you agree with my statement that majority of pakistanis and North Indians are related to each other genetically and culturally ?

Rain in this pic marks North India

also, are upper caste people from other regions of india look similar to pakistani indo Aryans ?

And why did you make this research? What's your aim? The 'average face' pics above aren't typical in my opinion. They are rather ideal-typical. Pakistan is more mixed today. Same goes with all nations you mentioned in your op.

well, i am an anthropologist and i have huge interest in Genetic history of south asia, thats why :)
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