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Debunking Indian Claims of “Surgical Strike” in Pakistan.

Indian know blackmagic. They can see what activities are going on on Pakistani side of the border thats why these brave Indian crossed this well built fenced border at times when boht armies were at high alert, conducted surgical operation by killing two Pakistani soldiers who were protecting mujahedeen and then went back to India without facing any sort of resistance or damage.. This all sound weird when we observe their efficiency during uri attack . Where were this balck magic during uri attack ?
This propaganda of so called surgical strikes is only meant to save Modi's political career who out of his old habit had bitten more than he can chew. in reality they know very well they can not afford a real war yet still have to save face, so what's better than an imaginary surgical strike that only happened on indian media.

Debunking Indian Claims of “Surgical Strike” in Pakistan.

Let any Indian general or representative come forward and answer these questions.

  • Where did India conducted this surgical strike?
    India says it had credible evidence of terrorists who were to cross LOC. Why not show those locations to the world as well and prove they actually existed - which Indian needs desperately to prove its point that Pakistan is sponsoring terrorism in India. Why is India not proving Pakistan a terrorist sponsoring state using evidence of location which it destroyed? India has no answer.
  • India claims it destroyed "terrorist launch-pads" – How do they look like?
    Were they buildings, bunkers, rooms, hide-outs or runway strips? India has no answer.
  • India claims it destroyed 5-6 “Terrorist” launch pads.
    When India was so sure that it conducted operation across Pakistan, why is there a confusion between number 5 and 6? – Why is it itself confused?

  • Were all launch-pads standing together or distant from each other?
    5-6 locations means they have to be distant from each other and India conducted at least 5-6 operations to neutralise them. How India did crossed LOC at 5-6 locations without being tracked, stopped or fired at? India has no answer.
  • Assuming Indians crossed LOC using helicopters;
    A slightest violation of air-space strikes response from Pakistan, and Pakistan is currently at high-alert state with active preparedness. How India did came in and went out without alerting PAF? India has no answer.

  • How did Indian soldiers got back?
    How India did recovered its soldiers back? Did India air-lift them or they walked back to India on foot crossing LOC? Entire LOC is permanently blocked using multi-layered barb-wire, land-mines and fences, is well lit and monitored by both India and Pakistan. How Indian soldiers from multiple locations walked back and not got seen or fired at by any of Pakistani check-posts? How did they managed to cross fenced, mined and impermeable boundary without being seen, caught or injured? India has no answer.
  • If Indian soldiers were recovered using helicopters:
    That means 5-6 Indian helicopters must have landed inside Pakistani territory at 5-6 different locations and their helicopters were neither heard, tracked by soldiers, guards, radars nor PAF responded? PAF response time is under 3 minute. How could 5-6 Indian helicopters violated world's most well-guarded boarded and yet they came-and-went-back without getting noticed. India cannot answer that.
  • India attacked terrorist launch-pads - were terrorists empty handed then?
    India didn’t lose a single soldier to any bullet, nor did they get injured even when they “destroyed” 5-6 terrorist launch-pads. Was there 1 terrorist per launch-pad who was also un-armed and had no Pakistani Military companion? India claims Pakistani Army back terrorists, does that mean Pakistani army was not backing terrorists and terrorist too were unarmed who allowed Indians to conduct operation, kill them as well as destroy their launch-pads and no response was seen from Pakistani Army either? Indians have no answer.
No stupidity expected from any Indian member and I would request @mods to watch this thread closely. These are legitimate questions and by answering them, without showing any evidence, India might be able to get some credibility of its claims. Let the informed members come in and give answers to these questions and lets see if Indian claims make any sense.

Indians have responded, their response includes below;


  • Total operation time 4 hours
  • The commandos were airdropped at the LoC, from where they crossed over to the Pakistani side.
    • So they did crossed their own line-of-control which his barb-wired, mined, electrically charged, well-lit and watched by Pakistani soldiers. They crossed LOC at 7 locations simultaneously without a single soldier seen, spotted or fired at. No land-mine exploded and soldiers also walked through impermeable multi-layered electric-powered barb-wire. That also means at least 7 helicopters came at LOC without triggering any alert for PAF.
  • Indian commandos entered three kilometres across the Line of Control to conduct the 'surgical strikes'. Launchpad’s were in Bhimber, Hotspring, Kel & Lipa sectors, on Pak's side of LoC
    • Bhimber is 4.1Km, Kel is 4.5Km in a straight line from LoC. All areas are mountainous which means you have to go around the mountains or climb up or down, making actual distance 6-8 kilometres long. All areas protected and populated as well as heavily guarded by Pakistan. So Indian soldiers walked 6-8 KM in, then conducting operation which used explosions, and then walking back 6-8 Kilometres without issue, from all 7 locations and didn't got caught, spotted or injured.
  • Indian soldiers walked 500meters to 2Km across LoC
    • Either Indian soldiers came 3 kilometers across or they walked 2 kilometers into Pakistan. In both cases Indians cannot reach above mentioned locations.
  • 7 terror launch pads were destroyed
    • That means at least 7 explosions have happened. Even explosions didn’t alert Pakistan Army neither civilians heard them.
  • 38 terrorists and 2 Pakistani soldiers were killed in Indian Army surgical strikes, no Indian casualties.
    • Now 38+2, at least 40 bullet rounds were fired and no one heard them. Also out of 7 launch-pads, only 1 had military personals who were killed and other 6 launch-pads were managed by terrorists only, who were all killed. But apparently terrorists neither had ammunition to respond back nor had communication channels, mobile phones or protection that 38 died in silence, without giving a hint to anybody.
  • Helicopters were used
    • Indians after conducting explosions walked back and crossed the same LOC yet another time – but like before, they could walk through barb-wired fenses, dodged mines, stayed invisible under light and not spotted by Pakistani Check Post, yet another time. LoC was crossed 14 times in 4 hours and Indians went into Pakistan and came-back in without being noticed, seen intercepted.

When all above was happening, PAF was sleeping, PA was sleeping, terrorists were sleeping, Indians could walk-through electric-powered, mined, multi-layered fences, destroyed 7 “launch-pads”, killed two solitary Pakistani Army soldiers, 38 terrorists and all this happened without getting a single Indian soldier injured, let alone killed. LoC got crossed 14 times from 7 different locations and all this is happened when Pakistan is at one of the highest alerts of its times.

Now who wants to tell India that it is Naked?
Modi is trying to safe his Arse from the RSS goons .. they elect Modi because he will take hard stand on Pakistan but he couldn't just do anything , no one is interested in their False Propaganda and lies except Afghanistan and Bangladesh ..so now they are creating Sensation by calling a failed cross border raid a Surgical Strike ..

Sad to see Indians can stoop to that level in their Desperate times ..:frown:
I guess the ******** have developed cloaking technology similar to that used by the fictional "Predator" Hunters lol or they have solved the mysteries of quantum entanglement and developed teleportation technologies courtesy of the DRDO.
On a serious note even sensible ******** are questioning all these claims, not a shred of credible evidence has been provided.
This propaganda of so called surgical strikes is only meant to save Modi's political career who out of his old habit had bitten more than he can chew. in reality they know very well they can not afford a real war yet still have to save face, so what's better than an imaginary surgical strike that only happened on indian media.

Pakistan shouldn't let Modi earn a "political point" at when it comes to lies towards Pakistan.
bollywood news media at it's finest. please tell me who was commanding this army? was it ajay devgan, akshay kumar or did india send it's special weapon..... KRRISH!!!!
dsfafkjhv lajkfdhvlkjdf hvljaasdsfshvkjadshfvkjh klh l:hang2:
why the background dramatic music, it not bollywood movie where sunny deole taking on ten ssg.
I thought they were there for 4 hours. Changing the story much. 150 commandos going into Pakistan at high alert lol these bhartis will believe anything their establishment tells them.
Looks like laser guided bombs, was used it seems, from across border.
I would like to make a few points.

1- Pakistani Army maintains a heavy presence along the LOC, it is impossible that such a heavy force could have engaged militants inside Pakistani territory for more than 4 hours and made it back on foot without losing a single soldier.

2- There are no "terror camps" within 2km of the LOC. Only a fool would place such camps right at the border. The camps are deep inside Punjab. The so called launch pads don't have that many militants and in any case, the militants trained in Pakistan are well trained and fight fanatically.

3- The Indians provided no proof of any 'surgical strike'. No photos, no images of destroyed camps etc.

4- Many Indians make a claim that 2 Pakistani soldiers died is a proof of the surgical strikes. No, it is not. In the past, both sides have killed each other's soldiers in artillery shelling, mortar shelling, sniping and cross border raids/ambushes.

5- What my source and sources of several Pakistani media persons confirm is that the Indians did try to cross the LOC or they did try to attack Pakistan army posts (The post in Leepa sector was directly attacked) but all of their raiding parties were repulsed in each sector. They suffered heavy casualties and at least 8 of their men were killed.

Now what I think of those attacks is that these raids were conducted to exact revenge of the Uri attacks by killing Pakistani soldiers in their posts and escalating the situation along the LOC to raise the morale of Indian Army, government and public in a short localized conflict. The attacks were not 'surgical strikes' from what I know. The Indians attacked a post manned by elements of 8 NLI directly in Leepa sector, the case may be the same in other areas.

6- Now why the Indian DGMO claimed to have conducted surgical strikes. The answer is very simple, for face saving.

@DESERT FIGHTER @Oscar @hellfire @notorious_eagle @WAJsal @graphican
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Look at following facts and know if India is actually right;
  • India attacked Pakistan and life in Pakistan is normal as usual - awkward?
  • Indian commandos attacked 7 launch-pads and killed 38 terrorists - yet India has zero image show.
  • India destroyed targets 500m to 2000m deep into Pakistan from LoC. This distance is visible with naked eyes. Why is there no smoke? - India has no answer.
  • India sent its troops 500m to 2000m deep to destroy launch-pads, even when small and medium sized arms have more range than that. Why did India sent ground troops when mortars could do the job? - India has no answer.
  • Indians killed 40 people, fired hundreds of rounds of bullets, 20s of grenades, this happened when Pakistani check posts were all around; behind and in-front of them and yet Indians were neither seen, heard, spotted nor intercepted - How magical is that?
Pakistan has filed and shown the evidence of it attack on Indian check-posts, which are at-least 4-6 kilometres away. You can see smoke still coming out of them.

@ Indians, don't ask these questions to your government either. Let party of stupids continue ;)
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The Narendra Modi administration staged a drama on Thursday to placate a media-induced public frenzy following the Uri attack. The Indian military claimed that it had carried out ‘surgical strikes’ against perceived ‘terrorist launch pads’ on the Pakistani side of the Line of Control in disputed Kashmir region. But the Pakistani military ripped to shreds the Indian farcical claim as an “illusion being deliberately generated by the Indians to create false effects”.

“We deny it. There is no such thing on the ground. There is just the incident of the firing last night, which we responded to,” chief military spokesperson Lt Gen Asim Bajwa told a news channel. “There has been no surgical strike by India, instead there had been cross-border fire initiated and conducted by India,” the Inter-Services Public Relations added in a statement.

“As per rules of engagement, [the] same was strongly and befittingly responded by Pakistani troops,” the ISPR added.


The notion of a surgical strike is a “quest by the Indian establishment to create media hype by rebranding cross-border fire as surgical strike is fabrication of truth”. Pakistan Air Force also rubbished the Indian claim, saying “Pakistan’s air defence will be ensured at all costs”.

India’s media as well as hawks in its officialdom have been baying for blood since four gunmen mounted a brazen attack on a military base in Uri, in the disputed Kashmir region, on Sept 18, killing 18 Indian soldiers. The Modi administration has drawn a lot of flak over its reluctance to go for military adventurism. And Pakistani officials believe this is why this farcical drama was staged by the Indian military.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said India is trying to give false colour to the exchange of fire on the LoC to appease its trigger-happy people and media. “The firing on the LoC is a part of a well-thought-out plan to satisfy Indian public opinion,” he said in a statement. “Pakistani soldiers gave a befitting response to Indian aggression and our armed forces are fully prepared to do so in case of any violation of ceasefire on the LoC.

According to the ISPR, Indian troops resorted to unprovoked firing at four sectors of the LoC, Bhimber, Hot Spring, Kel, and Lipa. The fire exchange started at 2:30am and continued till 8am, it added. Two Pakistani soldiers were killed in the firing. They were identified as Havaldar Jumma Khan and Naik Imtiaz.

It’s not the first time India has presumably avenged the Uri killings. The Quint news website claimed on Sept 21 that Indian army troops had conducted a cross-LoC surgical strike on the night between Sept 20 and 21 and ‘neutralised at least 20 terrorists’. The story was laughed off by Indian readers who questioned its veracity. Shame-facedly, however, The Quint cited Thursday’s ‘surgical strike’ as a proof of what it claims happened on Sept 20.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif strongly condemned the ‘unprovoked and naked aggression’ of Indian forces. “Our intent for a peaceful neighbourhood should not be mistaken as our weakness,” Sharif said as he paid rich tributes to the martyred soldiers. He said Pakistan’s valiant forces were fully capable of defending the territorial integrity of the country and can thwart any evil design made to undermine the sovereignty of Pakistan.

India’s high commissioner was also summoned by the foreign secretary to reject the ‘baseless Indian claim’ of surgical strikes. Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry condemned the unprovoked firing by the Indian forces on the LoC. “These incidents are a continuation of a pattern of ceasefire violations committed by India,” he said, adding that the armed forces of Pakistan would continue to give a befitting response to any act of aggression.

Chaudhry noted that India has deliberately escalated tensions at the LoC in order to divert attention of the international community from the grave situation in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, where the occupation forces have unleashed a reign of terror against innocent and defenceless people.

The foreign secretary stated that Pakistan remains a victim of interference and Indian state-sponsored terrorism. In this regard, he referred to the confessional statement of serving Indian naval officer Kulbushan Yadav, who had been carrying out terrorist and subversive activities in Pakistan, especially in Balochistan and Karachi.

Chaudhry also expressed Pakistan’s deep disappointment at India’s decision to pull out of the 19th Saarc summit. For its part, Pakistan is committed to the objective of regional cooperation, envisaged in the Saarc Charter.

Earlier in the day, a senior Indian army officer claimed that they had conducted ‘surgical strikes’ across the LoC to thwart attacks on some of its biggest cities. “Some terrorist teams had positioned themselves at launch pads along the LoC,” said Lt Gen Ranbir Singh, the director general military operations of India, describing the intelligence information as ‘very specific and credible’.

“The Indian army conducted surgical strikes last night at these launch pads. Significant casualties have been caused to these terrorists and those who are trying to support them,” he told a news conference in New Delhi. “The operations aimed at neutralising the terrorists have since ceased,”

Singh said the decision to launch the strikes had been taken after the military determined the launch pads had been set up with “an aim to carry out infiltration and terrorist strikes in Jammu and Kashmir and various other metros in our country”. “The operations were basically focused to ensure that these terrorists do not succeed in their design of infiltration and carrying out destruction and endangering the lives of citizens of our country.”

He did not say whether the strikes had been carried out by the Indian air force or by ground troops.

The Indian DGMO said he had called his Pakistani counterpart to inform him of the operation, which had ended. But Lt Gen Bajwa said the contact between DGMOs only included communication regarding cross-border firing, which was within existing rules of engagement.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 30th, 2016.
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