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Iran replies Modi's Balochistan Rant - PressTv expose India's Kashmir Violence


Nov 1, 2010
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United States
Iran replies Modi's Balochistan comment by exposing Kashmir violence and human rights genocide by Indian government and Indian armed forces. Kashmir is an international dispute which wants serparation from Indian state, after Burhan Wani a Kashmiri Youth Freedom Fighter murdered, the valley is all time turn into a bigger Kashmir Uprising against Indian barbarism and terrorism.

Iranian Presstv report exposed India: WATCH: Kashmir violence is alarming the world body:

Iran's own province Sistan-Balochistan is unstable due to Baloch sub-nationaislim in the local region.
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Kashmir's Indian forces crackdown victims overwhelm region's hospital, latest video:


Iranian leader Khamenehi says Kashmir oppressed

Sizeable Shia population in Kashmir under oppression by India.

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenehi listed Kashmir along with Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan as places where Muslims are brutalized by occupiers.

The Indian government sent two very public signs of its displeasure. First, it summoned Iran’s senior diplomat in New Delhi to a dressing-down. Then, India abstained at the UN when a resolution criticizing Iran’s humanrights conduct came up for a vote. In the past, India has always supported Iran by voting nay on those critical resolutions. But India did not go so far as to vote for the resolution. There have been critical editorials in the Indian media, but, on the whole, the reaction to Khamenehi’s remarks seemed remarkably subdued considering how sensitive the issue of Kashmir is inside India. There was no sign India was even thinking about moving in the camp that regularly criticizes the Islamic Republic. Kashmir is a majority Muslim area with sizeable Shia population that was ruled by a Hindu prince when India and Pakistan were created in 1947. The Hindu prince took Kashmir into Hindu India rather than Muslim Pakistan, a decision that has produced six decades of strife and bloodshed.

After the 1979 revolution, the new Islamic Republic often held demonstrations on behalf of Kashmiris. It would occasionally be mentioned by some lowerranking official or a cleric who wasn’t clued in, but the establishment just decided to ignore Kashmir except when there was an especially violent eruption it could not ignore. Therefore, the decision by Khamenehi to mention Kashmir earlier this month was a stunner. He did not speak at any length about Kashmir. He merely mentioned it in a list of troublespots that he gave in his annual message to pilgrims attending the hajj in Saudi Arabia. Khamenehi said, “Today, the major duties of the elite of the Islamic ummah [community] is to provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathize and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime.…” It wasn’t clear why Khamenehi suddenly chose to add Kashmir to a list where he had long ignored Kashmir. Some speculated this represented a change of policy, but there appears to be no reason for Iran to choose to be confrontational with India now. Others suspected it was an error by an aide who drafted the annual statement for Khamenehi, perhaps a new employee who didn’t understand the policy.

Still others thought Kashmir was included because this was a message to pilgrims and would be distributed to Pakistani pilgrims as well as Iranian ones. Analysts will now be scouring future statements by Khamenehi to see if Kashmir is mentioned again or quietly dropped when he next goes through the litany of areas of the world where Muslims must defend Muslims. The normal list is usually quite constrained, limited to Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan. Pakistan is sometimes mentioned now as Iranian rhetoric often portrays it as partly occupied by the American military. But just as Kashmir is normally not mentioned so as not to offend India, so Chechnya goes unmentioned so as not to offend Russia, Kosovo goes unmentioned so as not to offend Serbia and Russia, and Xinchiang’s Muslims go unmentioned so as not to offend China. So, too, the oppressed Muslim minorities in Burma and Thailand go unmentioned in the Islamic Republic, while one obscure Christian minister who spoke of burning Qorans, but never did, still gets extensive coverage in Iran’s state media. India’s Foreign Ministry said it had summoned Iran’s senior diplomat, Reza Alaei, to hear its “deep disappointment” over Khamenehi’s remarks. New Delhi called them “an impingement of territorial integrity and sovereignty.” As for the shift at the UN, the Foreign Ministry said only that India decided to abstain this year “after due deliberation.” A source at the Foreign Ministry told the Press Trust of India that Khamenehi’s Kashmir comment was a factor in the decision to abstain.

That is not the view of Pakistan or the Islamic world as a whole, however. Lower Iranian officials have occasionally criticized India over a particular eruption in Kashmir. For example, in October Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast complained of India’s police suppression of Kashmiri violence over the American minister’s Qoranburning threat. What was significant about Khamenehi’s remarks was that they came from Khamenehi himself and they applied to the core issue of Kashmir as a part of India and not just one isolated police action.

The Indian government sent two very public signs of its displeasure. First, it summoned Iran’s senior diplomat in New Delhi to a dressing-down. Then, India abstained at the UN when a resolution criticizing Iran’s humanrights conduct came up for a vote

O dear. Here goes the dream of "encircling" Pakistan via char babar into the bin. Even i am feeling embarrassed for Modi and his RSS goons.
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If you are a "Chai Wala" chances are you have very little knowledge of Geography and Geo-political issues.:lol:

Iran should look into it seriously because there some Shias in Kashmir who are being oppressed and brutalized by Indians. Supreme leader Khomeini is correct, Iran and Pakistan should join hands against the oppression of their Muslim brothers in Indian Occupied Kashmir.
Kashmir's Indian forces crackdown victims overwhelm region's hospital, latest video:


Iranian leader Khamenehi says Kashmir oppressed

Sizeable Shia population in Kashmir under oppression by India.

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenehi listed Kashmir along with Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan as places where Muslims are brutalized by occupiers.

The Indian government sent two very public signs of its displeasure. First, it summoned Iran’s senior diplomat in New Delhi to a dressing-down. Then, India abstained at the UN when a resolution criticizing Iran’s humanrights conduct came up for a vote. In the past, India has always supported Iran by voting nay on those critical resolutions. But India did not go so far as to vote for the resolution. There have been critical editorials in the Indian media, but, on the whole, the reaction to Khamenehi’s remarks seemed remarkably subdued considering how sensitive the issue of Kashmir is inside India. There was no sign India was even thinking about moving in the camp that regularly criticizes the Islamic Republic. Kashmir is a majority Muslim area with sizeable Shia population that was ruled by a Hindu prince when India and Pakistan were created in 1947. The Hindu prince took Kashmir into Hindu India rather than Muslim Pakistan, a decision that has produced six decades of strife and bloodshed.

After the 1979 revolution, the new Islamic Republic often held demonstrations on behalf of Kashmiris. It would occasionally be mentioned by some lowerranking official or a cleric who wasn’t clued in, but the establishment just decided to ignore Kashmir except when there was an especially violent eruption it could not ignore. Therefore, the decision by Khamenehi to mention Kashmir earlier this month was a stunner. He did not speak at any length about Kashmir. He merely mentioned it in a list of troublespots that he gave in his annual message to pilgrims attending the hajj in Saudi Arabia. Khamenehi said, “Today, the major duties of the elite of the Islamic ummah [community] is to provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathize and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime.…” It wasn’t clear why Khamenehi suddenly chose to add Kashmir to a list where he had long ignored Kashmir. Some speculated this represented a change of policy, but there appears to be no reason for Iran to choose to be confrontational with India now. Others suspected it was an error by an aide who drafted the annual statement for Khamenehi, perhaps a new employee who didn’t understand the policy.

Still others thought Kashmir was included because this was a message to pilgrims and would be distributed to Pakistani pilgrims as well as Iranian ones. Analysts will now be scouring future statements by Khamenehi to see if Kashmir is mentioned again or quietly dropped when he next goes through the litany of areas of the world where Muslims must defend Muslims. The normal list is usually quite constrained, limited to Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan. Pakistan is sometimes mentioned now as Iranian rhetoric often portrays it as partly occupied by the American military. But just as Kashmir is normally not mentioned so as not to offend India, so Chechnya goes unmentioned so as not to offend Russia, Kosovo goes unmentioned so as not to offend Serbia and Russia, and Xinchiang’s Muslims go unmentioned so as not to offend China. So, too, the oppressed Muslim minorities in Burma and Thailand go unmentioned in the Islamic Republic, while one obscure Christian minister who spoke of burning Qorans, but never did, still gets extensive coverage in Iran’s state media. India’s Foreign Ministry said it had summoned Iran’s senior diplomat, Reza Alaei, to hear its “deep disappointment” over Khamenehi’s remarks. New Delhi called them “an impingement of territorial integrity and sovereignty.” As for the shift at the UN, the Foreign Ministry said only that India decided to abstain this year “after due deliberation.” A source at the Foreign Ministry told the Press Trust of India that Khamenehi’s Kashmir comment was a factor in the decision to abstain.

That is not the view of Pakistan or the Islamic world as a whole, however. Lower Iranian officials have occasionally criticized India over a particular eruption in Kashmir. For example, in October Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast complained of India’s police suppression of Kashmiri violence over the American minister’s Qoranburning threat. What was significant about Khamenehi’s remarks was that they came from Khamenehi himself and they applied to the core issue of Kashmir as a part of India and not just one isolated police action.

Iran Times

@SOHEIL :rofl:
indian dream for Chabahar looks to be moving away.....

From actions on the ground, it looks like india had taken a calculated decision to fully dedicate itself as US led terror orchestrator and operator. And in that line, preparing to orchestrate terror network in Sistan Baluchistan in Iran and Baluchistan in Pakistan. US has immediate project for destabilizing south and central asia so that Chinese CPEC (OBOR), Russian Eurasian integration and recent Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran north-south corridor can be disrupted. india with vast experience in creating and operating terror network became natural choice for US crime odyssey.

Pakistan should refresh Iranian, Chinese and Russian leadership on what is coming. If Pakistan and Iran become victim, China and Russia will be next in line to receive US led, house of saud financed and india operated, terror salvo. It is therefore Chinese and Russian best interest to understand real enemy inside SCO is india and provide intel, finance, and defense capabilities to Pakistan and Iran to hold the line.
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Werent they the same guys that reported how terribly Iran treated those US sailors they captured? :P
Looks like a neocon publication to me. Run by the same clique that pakistanis blame for "Terrorism" and "Anti-Islam Conspiracy"
When it comes to Baluch separatism, Iran will side with Pakistan 100% of the time. Any unrest on one side WILL spill over to the other, that is just the reality of it; it is in the interest of both nations to cooperate against separatism, which is something India cannot influence.
When it comes to Baluch separatism, Iran will side with Pakistan 100% of the time. Any unrest on one side WILL spill over to the other, that is just the reality of it; it is in the interest of both nations to cooperate against separatism, which is something India cannot influence.

Iran will support Pakistan on Baluchistan

Pakistan will support Afghanistan on Durand line

Pakistan will support India on Khalistan

China will support India on Jammu & Kashmir

Myanmar will support India on India's North East
Iran replies Modi's Balochistan comment by exposing Kashmir violence and human rights genocide by Indian government and Indian armed forces. Kashmir is an international dispute which wants serparation from Indian state, after Burhan Wani a Kashmiri Youth Freedom Fighter murdered, the valley is all time turn into a bigger Kashmir Uprising against Indian barbarism and terrorism.

Iranian Presstv report exposed India: WATCH: Kashmir violence is alarming the world body:

Iran's own province Sistan-Balochistan is unstable due to Baloch sub-nationaislim in the local region.

I mean what is new to this news...If you follow Press TV, it is very much pro separatist movement in Kashmir..This is nothing new to India...
When it comes to Baluch separatism, Iran will side with Pakistan 100% of the time. Any unrest on one side WILL spill over to the other, that is just the reality of it; it is in the interest of both nations to cooperate against separatism, which is something India cannot influence.

Because unrest on Balochistan does not benefit Iran either. Iran will need Pakistan as Nuclear Military nation, not to mention having friendly neighborly nation will go the long way.

Unfortunately, Indian world finds itself in the delusional world. :D
Iran should look into it seriously because there some Shias in Kashmir who are being oppressed and brutalized by Indians. Supreme leader Khomeini is correct, Iran and Pakistan should join hands against the oppression of their Muslim brothers in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

About Kashmiri Shia enslavement by Indian forces in IoK:

Are Kashmiri Shias The Next Pandits?

The Shia community has shrunk into small enclaves, gradually taking the shape of ghettos, a sharp contrast to earlier times when Shias and other Kashmiri minorities were scattered all along the interiors of Srinagar city

Fatima received a fatal injury in Indian police action during sectarian clashes that broke out in Budgam district of Kashmir valley in July this year. According to her relatives, Fatima was looking for her grandson outside her house when she was hit on the head by a Indian policeman. Nearly a week later Fatima succumbed. Usually the killing of a civilian by the police invokes the people’s wrath. People from all walks of life come out on the roads to protest the “brutality”; however, Fatima’s burial was a comparatively silent one. Perhaps the people were apprehensive about the implications their reactions might lead to. In a place where dying for a “cause” is routine, death on sectarian lines does not fit the usual scheme of things. Rather it raises many serious questions and puts forward some ugly challenges before society.

Fatima belonged to a Shia family. Shias are a minority among Muslims in Jammu & Kashmir.

Historically, the flourishing of the Shia sect in the Kashmir Valley is attributed to Mir Shamsuddin Araqi, a saint and religious scholar who came to Kashmirduring the reign of the Chak dynasty in the later part of the 15th century. The Chak rule is considered to be the only golden period for Shias in the whole history of Kashmir. However, it was just after the downfall of the Chaks that the persecution of Shias started. After the Mughals, it was the Afghan rule in Kashmir that became a threat for the Shiite community. The hatred for this minority was visible through plunders and massacres. It was during this period that the Shia community started practicing ‘Taqiyah’ (hiding one’s religious beliefs for one’s own safety) for safeguarding their lives and honour. Since then Shiites in Kashmir have seen many highs and lows.

In the year 1947 and after, Shiites took active part in the political affairs of the State. In many instances they were at the forefront of Kashmir’s struggle for independence – a sizeable population from the community also had to suffer at the hands of the State for their pro-Pakistan leanings. Munshi Mohammad Ishaq, a Shia leader was a prominent figure of the historic Plebiscite Movement. And during the armed uprising in Kashmir in the late 80’s the Shia community also had a militant outfit Hizb-ul-Mominoon (the party of the faithful). Many of this group’s ‘boys’ were either killed or arrested.

A scholar from the Shia community Ibne Muhammad (name changed) says, “The Shia community is a strong stake holder in Kashmir and we have been participating fully in the political struggle of Kashmir throughout its history.” Talking about the diversity of political thought within the community he says, “You can find a Shia presence across the political spectrum of Kashmir. There is a Shia leader in every major separatist and mainstream political party here.”

The Shia population in Kashmir lives in small pockets, attaked by Indian forces. In the capital city Srinagar they are mostly confined to Dal (Mir Behri), Zadibal and Shalimar areas. Budgam is the only town in the Valley where Shias form a majority.

But incidents and events over the past two decades have led to a situation where the Shia community has shrunk into small enclaves, gradually taking the shape of ghettos, a sharp contrast to earlier times when Shias and other Kashmiri minorities were scattered all along the interiors of Srinagar city. “The revival of sectarian based politics in Pakistan and Middle East, and the dramatic resurgence of anti-Shia forces there reinforced the fears of the community,” says Masroor Ansari, son of former Hurriyat president Moulvi Abass Ansari and the current president of Itehadul Muslimeen, a constituent of the moderate separatist amalgam Hurriyat Conference.

Although there is not much representation in the legislation, a Shia politicians including representatives from Kargil are present in the State Assembly. Besides a senior leader of the main opposition party PDP, Moulvi Iftikhaar Hussain Ansari and a young politician Aga Ruhullah who is associated with the ruling partyNational Conference (NC) had a cabinet rank before the recent reshuffle.

Ansari reiterates that there has been manipulation through delimitation of districts and tehsils because of which eight Shia community majority pockets in Kashmir have now been reduced to only three. Recently, two cabinet ministers from the previous Council of Ministers, Qamar Ali Akhoon from Kargil and Aga Syed Ruhallah from Budgam, were dropped in the reshuffle. Only one member of the community, Firoz Khan from Kargil has been inducted as MoS (Minister of state).

This can only be seen as a raw deal given to the Shia community, which has a population of increasing 1 million in the state.

press TV is a propaganda outlet but Baluchistan is a delicate nerve for Iran as well

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